O na ba'wn yn gwel'd y boreu

O na ba'wn yn gwel'd y boreu,
  Boreu hyfryd llawn o hedd;
I'r haul godi ar fy enaid,
  Byth i fachlud tu yma i'r bedd.

Na'd im beiau
    câs eu hanian,
  Byth i ddyfod yn eu hol,
Na foed i mi gym'ryd pleser,
  O un natur yn fy nghol.

Boed fy nghalon iti'n deml,
   Boed fy ysbryd iti'n nyth,
Ac o fewn y drigfan yma,
   Aros, Iesu, aros byth.

Yn canu, cawn yn wastad,
  Yng nghwmpeini'm Harglwydd cûn,
A llawenu yn yr olwg,
  O fy nefol wlad fy hun.
William Williams 1717-91
Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

[Mesur: 8787]

  Arglwydd grasol dyro gymhorth
  Boed fy nghalon iti'n dem(e)l

O that I would see the morning,
  The delightful morning full of peace;
For the sun to rise on my soul,
  Never to set on this side of the grave.

Do not let my faults of
    a detestable nature,
  Ever come back,
Nor may I take pleasure,
  From any nature in my bosom.

May my heart be a temple for thee,
  May my spirit be a nest for thee,
And within this residence,
  Stay, Jesus, stay forever.

Singing, I may get to be constantly,
  In the company of my dear Lord,
And rejoice in the view,
  Of my own heavenly land.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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