O na byddai cariad Iesu, Megys fflam angerddol gref, Yn fy nghalon i'w chynnesu, Fel y carwn innau Ef; O na chawn i brofi nerthol Weithrediadau'r Ysbryd Glân, Fel y gallwn yn wastadol, Yn lle cwyno, seinio cân! Oer a marwaidd yw fy nghalon, Gwàn a diffrwyth yw pob gras; O na chwythai yr awelon Sydd yn gwywo llygredd cas; Dyred, Iesu bendigedig, Bugail mawr y defaid oll, Dychwel f'enaid gwrthgiliedig, - O na âd im' fyn'd ar goll. Gwna fy enaid fel cerbydau Amminadib, buain iawn, Gâd im' gael dy ymweliadau, Llanw fi â'th nefol ddawn: Yn y gwin-dŷ gâd im' wledda, Dan dy faner, cariad yw; Megys Brenin mawr gorsedda Yn fy nghalon, O fy Nuw! Gwna fi'n ffrwythlawn yn fy henaint, Tirf ac iraidd gâd im' fod, Dan y gwlith a'r nefol ennaint, Gwna_imi rodio er dy glod; O na âd im' ymgaledu, Na diffrwytho yn dy dŷ, Trin fi, Arglwydd, nes addfedu F'enaid i'r ardaloedd fry. Mi chwenychwn'n awr gael clywed Sain caniadau'r dyrfa lân, Telynrion a cherddorion Penna'r nef yn dyblu'r gân: "Dewch â'r Haleliwia uchel, Dewch â'r moliant, dewch â'r bri, Dewch â'r clodydd oll yn gryno Byth i'n hoff Iachawdwr ni!"
1-4: James Hughes (Iago Trichrug) 1779-1844
Tonau [8787]:
Tonau [8787D]: |
O that I would love Jesus, Like a strong, ardent flame, In my heart to warm it, That thus I would love him; O that I would get to experience the Strong actions of the Holy Sprit, That thus I would be able constantly, Instead of complaining, sound a song! Cold and morbid is my heart, Weak and fruitless is every grace; O that the breezes would blow Which are withering detestable corruption; Come, blessed Jesus, The great Shepherd of all the sheep, Return my backslidden soul, - Do not let me get lost. Make my soul like the chariots Of Amminadab, very swift, Let me get thy visits, Fill me with thy heavenly gift: In the wine-house let me feast, Under thy banner, there is love; Like a great King sit In my heart, O my God! Make me fruitful in my old age, Luxuriant and fresh let me be, Under the dew and the heavenly anointing, Make me walk for thy acclaim; Oh, do not let become hard, Nor become unfruitful in thy house, Treat me, Lord, until my soul Matures, to the regions above. I would crave now to get to hear The sound of the songs of the holy throng, The chief harpists and musicians Of heaven doubling the song: "Come ye with the loud Hallelujah, Come ye with the acclaim, come ye with the esteem, Come ye with the praises all trembling Forever to our dear Saviour!" tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |