O na byddai oriau (')mywyd

(Cymdeithas ā Dioddefiadau Crist)
O na byddai oriau mywyd,
  Yn ymborthi ar oriau'th boen,
Fel y gallwyf fi gydredeg,
  A chystuddiau'r addfwyn Oen;
    Fe gāi 'mhechod,
  Felly'n fuan golli'r dydd.

Felly cawn gan f'enaid ddilyn
  Ei ofidiau hyfryd ef,
Fel mae goleu'r dydd yn cadw
  Cwmni disglaer haul y nef:
    'Chai'm gorddiwes
  Gwmmwl du na thywyll nos.

Fel bo i'r dorf di-rif o feiau
  Wybod hyn yn ddinacād;
Yn mha glwyf, ac yn mha ofid,
  Yn mha archoll, mae'm hiachād;
    Fel y gallwyf,
  Heb hir oedi, fod yn lān.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Ardudwy (John Roberts 1822-77)
Eglwysbach (J H Morgan Harris 1869-1923)
Hyder (Richard Ellis 1775-1855)
Watford (Salmydd Genefa 1561)

gwelir: O na bai cystuddiau f'Arglwydd

(Fellowship with Christ's Sufferings)
O that the hours of my life were
  Feeding on the hours of thy pain,
Thus I would run together
  With the afflictions of the dear Lamb;
    My sin would get
  Thus soon to lose the day.

Thus I would get by my soul to follow
  His delightful griefs,
That the light of day would keep
  Company with the shining sun of heaven:
    Neither darkness of night nor
  Any black cloud would get to overtake me.

That the innumerable crowd of faults would
  Know this innocently;
In what sickness, and in what grief,
  In what wound, is my healing,
    Thus I would,
  Without long delaying, be clean.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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