O na(c) ymguddia f'Arglwydd cun

(Disgwyliad wrth Dduw)
O! nac ymguddia, f'Arglwydd cun,
Oddi wrth fath bryfyn gwael ei lun,
  Sy'n teithio trwy
      bob poen a gwae,
  Yn methu beunydd dy fwynhau.

Dy bresennoldeb sy mor fawr
Yn llanw'n hollol nef a llawr;
  Ond heb gael gwel'd dy wyneb cu,
  Pa gysur ydyw hyn i mi?

'Rwy'n 'mofyn yn dy deml lân,
Dy wel'd fel gwelais di o'r bla'n;
  'Does ond dy wg wna im' dristâu,
  Dy węn yn wastad lawenhau.

Mi welais wedd dy wyneb gwyn
Mewn dirgel leoedd, do, cyn hyn;
  'R un syched heddyw,
      a'r un cais,
  Sydd ynof am dy hyfryd lais.

A gaf ond hyny
    wel'd dy wedd?
Ond hyny brofi o dy hedd?
  Dy heddwch sydd mor fawr ei rym,
  Mae'm nerth i hebddo'n myn'd yn ddim.

Pa bryd gwasgara'r t'wyllwch du,
Cymmylau o anobaith cry'?
  A'r boreu wawr i d'wynu'n rhad
  O bur gynteddau
      tŷ fy Nhad?
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Brynteg (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Leipsic (G Neumark / J S Bach)

gwelir: Y man b'och di fy Arglwydd mawr

(Waiting for God)
O do not hide thyself, my dear Lord!
From such a worm of base condition,
  Who is travelling through 
      every pain and woe,
  Failing daily to enjoy thee.

Thy presence is so great
Filling completely heaven and earth;
  But without getting to see thy dear face,
  What comfort is that to me?

I am asking in thy holy temple,
To see thee as I saw thee before;
  Only thy frown makes me grow sad,
  Thy smile constantly causes joy.

I saw the countenance of thy fair face
In secret places, yes, before this;
  The same thirst today,
      and the same request,
  Is in me for thy lovely voice.

Shall I get but this
    to see thy countenance?
But this to experience thy peace?
  Thy tranquility is of greater force,
  My strength without it becomes nothing.

When wilt thou scatter the black darkness,
The clouds of strong hopelessness?
  And the the morning dawn to shine freely
  From the pure courts
      of my Father's house?
tr. 2018,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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