O natur daeth y dydd

(Concwest ar angeu)
  O natur, daeth y dydd
    I dynu'r mur i lawr,
  A chwalu'th babell frau
    Gan nerthoedd angeu mawr:
Er hyny gwel, fy enaid gwan,
Mae Iesu'n Gyfaill yn mhob man.

  Ai cilio 'nol mae pawb?
    Oes neb a ddeil fy mhen
  Yn ngwyneb angeu caeth
    O dan y nefoedd wen? -
Os ffowch i gyd,
      mae un a sai';
Caf ganu'n iach i boen a bai.
Casgliad Samuel Roberts 1841

Tôn [666688]: Y Beddrod
    (Music Book of John W Williams 1852-3)

(Conquest over death)
  O nature, the day came
    To pull the wall down,
  And demolish thy fragile tent
    By the strengths of great death:
Despite this, see, my weak soul,
Jesus is a Friend in every place.

  Is everyone retreating?
    Is there no-one who will hold my head
  In the face of captive death
    Under the blessed heavens? -
If ye will all flee,
      there is one who will stand;
I will get to sing safe from pain and fault.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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