O Prŷn y gwir fy enaid prŷn

(Prynu'r Gwir)
O! Prŷn y gwir, fy enaid, prŷn,
  Na werth ar un amodau;
O holl drysorau tir a môr
  Y gwir yw'r trysor gorau.

Gair Duw, mor werthfawr ydyw hwn,
  Hyd angau glynwn wrtho;
O'n hochor ninnau yn y farn
  Fe saif yn gadarn yno.

Gwyn fyd y sawl yn aros sy
  Yng ngeiriau'r Iesu ffyddlon;
Gwybod y gwir
    a gânt fwyfwy,
  A'r gwir a'u gwna hwy'n rhyddion.

Y gwir sydd gysur dan y loes,
  Pan ddelo f'oes i fyny:
Daw hwn â'm henaid gwan pryd hyn
  Trwy'r glyn dan orfoleddu.

           - - - - -

O pryn y gwir, fy enaid, pryn,
  Na werth ar un ammodau;
O holl drysorau môr a thir,
  Y gwir yw'r trysor gorau.

Y gwir, fel gwregys, ar bob cam,
  Yn dỳn fo am ein lwynau,
Ac yna awn o'r byd i ffwrdd,
  Heb ofni cwrdd ag angeu.

           - - - - -

O pryn y gwir, fy enaid, pryn,
  Na werth ar un ammodau;
O holl drysorau môr a thir,
  Y gwir yw'r trysor gorau.

Y gwir, fel gwregys, ar bob cam,
  Yn dỳn fo am ein lwynau,
Y gwir yn unig geidw'n bron
  Yn llon mewn gorthrymderau.

Y gwir rydd gysur
    dan y loes,
  Pan ddelo f'oes i fyny:
Daw hwn â'm henaid gwan pryd hyn
  Trwy'r glyn dan orfoleddu.
Thomas William 1761-1844
Perl mewn Adfyd 1814

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Bronclydwr (David de Lloyd 1885-1948)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffries 1718-98)
Dymuniad (R H Williams [Corfanydd] 1805-76)
Ely (Thomas Turton 1780-1864)
Morgannwg (hen alaw)

(Purchasing the Truth)
Oh, purchase the truth, my soul, purchase!
  Nor sell on any terms;
Of all the treasures of land and sea
  The truth is the best treasure.

The Word of God, how valuable is this,
  Until death, let us cling to it;
On our side in the judgment
  It will stand firm then.

Blessed are those who are abiding
  In the words of the faithful Jesus;
They shall get to know
    the truth more and more,
  And the truth shall make them free.

The truth is a comfort under the anguish,
  When my lifespan shall come up:
That will bring my weak soul at that time
  Through the vale rejoicing.

                - - - - -

Oh, purchase the truth, my soul, purchase!
  Nor sell on any terms;
Of all the treasures of land and sea
  The truth is the best treasure.

The truth, like a belt, at every step,
  As man be about our loins,
And then let us go from the world away,
  Without fearing to meet with death.

                - - - - -

Oh, purchase the truth, my soul, purchase!
  Nor sell on any terms;
Of all the treasures of land and sea
  The truth is the best treasure.

The truth, like a belt, at every step,
  As man be about our loins,
The truth alone shall keep our breast
  Cheerful in afflictions.

The truth shall give comfort
    under the anguish
  When my lifespan shall come up:
That will bring my weak soul at that time
  Through the vale rejoicing.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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