O pwy yw hon sy'n dod yn hŷ?

1,(2a,(3)),6,7;  1,2b,6;  1,4,5,6,3,7,2a;  1,(4,6,7),2a;  1,6,2a,7.
(Yr Eglwys a Christ)
O! pwy yw hon sy'n dod yn hy',
Yn lew i'r làn, fel rhwyng dau lu,
  O'r dywyll Aiphtaidd wlad?
Gan roddi pwys ei henaid pur
Ar Iesu gwiw - 'r Messia gwir -
  Ei Ffrynd, a'i Phrynwr rhad!

Fel boreu wawr fe welir hon,
Teg fel y lloer mae'i hwyneb llon,
  Mewn cariad, gras, a hedd;
Fel haul, heb un brycheuyn du,
'N ofnadwy fel banerog lu -
  On'd hyfryd yw ei gwedd?

[Fe welir hon fel boreu wawr
 Yn mhlith myrddiynau uwch y llawr,
   Pan ddêl i fyny o'r bedd;
 Fel haul heb un brycheuyn du,
 'N ofnadwy fel banerog lu;
   Mor hyfryd fydd ei gwedd.]

Hi deithiodd yr anialwch mawr,
Gan gludo Amalec i lawr,
  Ynghyd â breninoedd gwych;
Ca's ddwfr o'r graig,
    ca's fanna gwiw,
Dan Sinai fe'i cynnaliodd Duw,
  Pan oedd yn sàl ei drych.

Fel colofnau mwg ei henaid mae,
Mewn nefol hwyl, yn llawenhau,
  'Nawr yn meddiannu'n wir
Ras o bob rhyw, cysuron rhâd,
Fel peraroglau pell a gaed,
  O hyfryd thus a myrr.

Dan Pharaoh hen, mewn tywyllwch hir,
Yn poeni'n dost mewn anial dir,
  Yn y caethiwed draw,
Yn llesg ei hwyl yn wir bu hon,
Dan lawer ffrŵd, a llîf, a thòn',
  Mewn dychryn mawr a braw.

O'r dyfnder du i'r lan y daeth,
Tua'r wlad sy'n llifo
    o fêl a llaeth, -
  Yr etifeddiaeth fras:
Yn llawn o hedd, mae'n awr mewn hwyl,
A'r nefol gainc yn cadw gŵyl,
  Am dd'od o'r Aipht i maes.

Mae Duw o'i phlaid, hi ga'dd o'i blaen
Y cwmwl niwl a'r golofn dân -
  Eneiniad yr holl saint;
Hi ŵyr y ffordd i'r Ganaan draw,
Ni chyfeiliorna ar un llaw,
  Nes cael meddianu'r fraint.
A'r nefol :: A'i nefol
Am dd'od o'r Aipht i maes :: I'r Oen am ddwyfol ras
Mae Duw o'i phlaid :: Duw sy_iddi'n blaid
Hi ŵyr y ffordd i'r :: I'w dwyn i dîr y
Ni chyfeiliorna :: Heb gyfeiliorni

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [886D]:
Glan Lliedi (<1875)
Howden (A H Brown 1830-1926)
Inspruck (Heinrich Isaac 1450-1517)
&emp; Llanelli (J Ambrose Lloyd 1840-1914)
Sharon (<1869)
Tadmor (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
  Taith y Ddyweddi (<1835)
  Wales (<1829)

(The Church and Christ)
O, who is this who is coming boldly
Up, as a lion, as between two hosts,
  From the dark Egyptian land?
While leaning her pure soul
On worthy Jesus - the true Messiah -
  Her Friend, and her gracious Redeemer!

Like the morning dawn she is seen,
Fair like the moon is her cheerful face,
  In love, grace, and peace;
Like sun, without any black spot,
Fearsome like a bannered host -
  Is her countenance not lovely?

[She is to be seen like the morning dawn
 Amongst myriads above the earth,
   When she comes up from the grave;
 Like sun without any black spot,
 Fearsome like a bannered host;
   How lovely shall be her countenance.]
She travelled the great wilderness,
While putting Amalec down,
  Together with brilliant kings;
She got water from the rock,
    she got worthy manna,
Under Sinai God supported her,
  When her condition was poorly.

Like pillars of smoke her soul is,
In heavenly mood, rejoicing,
  Now possessing truly
Grace of every kind, gracious comforts,
Like exotic aromas got,
  From lovely incense and myrrh.

Under old Pharaoh, in long darkness,
Aching sorely in a desert land,
  In the captivity yonder,
Feeble in spirits truly was she,
Under many a stream, and flood, and wave,
  In great terror and fear.

From the black dept up she came,
Towards the land which is flowing
    with honey and milk, -
  The rich inheritance:
Full of peace, she is now in mirth,
And the heavenly strain keeping festival,
  About coming out of Egypt.

God is on her side, she got before her
The cloud of fog and the pillar of fire -
  The anointing of all the saints;
She knows the way to yonder Canaan,
She will not stray on either hand,
  Until getting to possess the privilege.
And the heavenly :: And her heavenly
About coming out of Egypt :: To the Lamb for divine grace
She knows the way to :: To be led to the land of
She shall not stray :: Without straying

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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