O'r cysur cryf i'm henaid ddaw

("Yr Arglwydd yw.")
O!'r cysur cryf i'm henaid ddaw
  Fod Iesu'n Frenin ne',
A phob awdurdod yn Ei law -
  Fy Arglwydd yw Efe.

Yn wyneb gorthymderau'r byd,
  A'r rhwysterau ymhob lle,
Caf nerth i'w dàl, a'u dàl i gyd -
  Fy Arglwydd yw Efe.

Gelynion sy'n aneirif lu
  Ar aswy a ar dde;
Mae gallu cryfach fyth o'm tu -
  Fy Arglwydd yw Efe.

A phan ddaw angeu i fy nôl -
  Ni waeth pa bryd, pa le,
Fe'm dwg yn ddiogel yn Ei gô,
  Fy Arglwydd yw Efe.
John R Davies, Pentyrch.

Tonau [MC 8686]:
St Magnus (Jeremiah Clarke c.1673-1707)
St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)

("It is the Lord.")
Oh, the strong comfort that comes to my soul
  That Jesus is the King of heaven,
And every authority in His hand -
  My Lord is He.

In the face of the tribulations of the world,
  And the frustrations everywhere,
I may get strength to endure them, and endure them all -
  My Lord is He.

Enemies which are an innumerable host
  On the left and on the right;
There is ability stronger than ever on my side -
  My Lord is He.

And when death comes after me -
  No matter when, where,
He will lead me safely in His bosom,
  My Lord is He.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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