O'r dyfnder gelwais arnat Ion

1,2,(3,(4,(5))),6  1,2,3,(4,7,8).
(Salm 130 - Dysgwyl wrth orsedd gras)
O'r dyfnder gelwais arnat, ION,
  O Arglwydd tirion, gostwng
Dy glust, ystyria y llais mau,
  Clyw fy ngweddiau teilwng.

Duw, pwy a saif yn d'wyneb di,
  Os creffi ar anwiredd?
Ond, fel y'th ofner di yn iawn,
  Yr wyt yn llawn trugaredd.

Dysgwyliais, f'Arglwydd, wrth fy rhaid:
  Dysgwyliodd f'enaid wrtho;
Rhois fy holl obaith yn ei air;
  F'enaid a gair yn effro.

Ac am yr Arglwydd gwylio bydd
  Mwy na gwyliedydd difri,'
A edrych blygain bob pen awr,
  A welo'r wawr yn codi.

Un wedd dysgwylied Israel
  Yn ddirgel am yr Arglwydd;
Can's mae nawdd
     gyd â'r Arglwydd nef,
   Mae ynddo ef rywiogrwydd.

Ei dragareddau ânt ar led,
  Fe rydd ymwared ini;
Fe wared Israel; fel hyn
  Fe'i tyn o'i holl ddrygioni.

Tragwyddol orffwys dyro, Iôn,
  Yn gyson i'th holl ddeiliaid,
Gwastadol olau a fo byth
  Yn ddilyth i'r ffyddloniaid.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Burford (Wilkins' Psalmody 1699)
Dominus Regit Me (John B Dykes 1823-76)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Dymuniad (R H Williams )
Llanidloes (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
St Clement (<1875)
Saxony (alaw henafol)
St Elian (<1875)
Silesia (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)
  Ynys Wen (J T Rees 1857-1949)

gwelir: Duw pwy a saif yn d'wyneb di?

(Psalm 130 - Waiting at the throne of grace)
From the depth I called upon thee, MASTER,
  O tender Lord, lower
Thy ear, consider my voice,
  Hear my worthy prayers.

God, who shall stand facing thee,
  If he craves for falsehood?
But, as thou art to be feared aright,
  Thou art full of mercy.

I waited, my Lord, for my need:
  My soul waited for it;
I put all my hope in his word;
  My soul is to be got awake.

And for the Lord watching shall be
  More than the serious watchman,
Who looks early at every hour,
  Who sees the dawn rising.

In the same way let Israel wait
  Secretly for the Lord;
Since there is protection
    with the Lord of heaven,
  In him is excellence.

His mercies go abroad,
  He gives deliverance to us;
He will deliver Israel; thus
  He will draw him from all his evil.

Eternal rest give, Lord,
  Constantly to all thy tenants,
Continuous light be forever
  Unfailingly to the faithful.
tr. 2016,19 Richard B Gillion
1 From lowest depths of woe
    to God I sent my cry;
2 Lord, hear my supplicating voice,
    and graciously reply.

3 Should'st thou severely judge,
    who can the trial bear?
4 But thou forgiv'st, lest we despond,
       and quite renounce thy fear.

5 My soul with patience waits
    for thee, the living Lord;
  My hopes are on thy promise built,
    thy never-failing word.

6 My longing eyes look out
    for thy enliv'ning ray,
  More duly than the morning watch
    to spy the dawning day. 

7 Let Israel trust in God,
    no bounds his mercy knows;
  The plenteous source and spring
      from whence
    eternal succour flows. 

8 Whose friendly streams to us
    supplies in want convey;
  A healing spring, a spring to cleanse,
    and wash our guilt away.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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