O'r maith oleuni mawr

(Dydd Crist)
  O'r maith oleuni mawr,
    Mwy pur na'r heulwen boeth,
  A ddaeth o'r nef i lawr
    I'n gwneyd yn ddwyfol ddoeth!
Eich llygaid trowch, genhedloedd trist,
O gwelwch hardd ddysgleirdeb Crist.

  Gwyn-fyd y dydd y daeth
    Yr Iesu mwyn i'r byd;
  Tylwythau'r ddaear faith,
    Cydlawenhewch i gyd;
Danseiniwch byth Hosanna bêr,
Gan godi'r swn yn uwch na'r ser.

               - - - - -

  O! 'r maith Oleuni mawr!
    Mwy pur na'r heulwen glir,
  A ddaeth o'r nef i lawr
    I'n gwneud yn ddwyfol bur,
Eich llygaid trowch, genhedloedd trist,
I weled cryf ddisgleirdeb Crist.

  Gwyn fyd y dydd y daeth
    Yr Iesu mwyn i'r byd;
  Holl gyrrau'r ddaear gaeth,
    Ymlawenhewch ynghyd;
Danseiniwch byth hosanna pêr,
A dyblu'r sain am gariad Nêr.
Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tonau [666688]:
    Darwell (John Darwall 1731-89)
    Gopsal (G F Handel 1685-1759)
    Jubili (H J Gauntlett 1806-76)

(The Day of Christ)
  O the vast, great light,
    More pure than the hot sunshine,
  Which came from heaven down
    To make us divinely wise!
Turn your eyes, sad nations,
O see the beautiful radiance of Christ.

  Blessed the da of the coming
    Of dear Jesus to the world;
  Tribes of the vast earth,
    Rejoice ye all together!
Resound ye forever a sweet Hosanna,
While the sound rises above the stars.

                 - - - - -

  O the vast great light!
    Puer than the clean sunshine,
  That came from heaven down
    to make us divinely pure,
Turn your eyes, ye sad nations,
To see the strong radiance of Christ.

  Blessed be the day when gentle
    Jesus came to the world;
  All ye corners of the captive earth,
    Rejoice together;
Resound forever a sweet Hosanna,
And double the sound about the Lord's love.
tr. 2016,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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