O'r nef fe ddaeth llef ddistaw fain

(Y Llef Ddistaw Fain)
O'r nef fe ddaeth llef ddistaw fain,
Hyfrydaf a phereiddiaf sain,
  Trwy barthau'r ddaear gron;
Ac er distawed yw y llef,
Caiff pawb ei chlywed is y nef;
  Mae Duw ei hun yn hon.

Llef radlawn yw, a melus iawn;
Cyhoeddiad o faddeuant llawn
  I'r euog gwael ei wedd;
Gwahoddiad i'r anghenus rai
At bob cyflawnder heb ddim trai;
  Hon yw efengyl hedd.

Mae'n meddalhau'r afrywiog fron;
Ewyllys dyn ennilla hon,
  Heb orthrech, cur,
      na thrais;
Hon yw'r newyddion goreu 'rioed;
I Dduw a'r Oen gogoniant boed
  Byth am yr hyfryd lais.

Aed sain efengyl cyn bo hir
I'r dwyrain a'r gorllewin dir,
  Y gogledd oer a'r de;
O! profed pawb effeithiau hon,
Y byd fo'n plygu ger ei bron,
  A llwydded yn mhob lle.
Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845

Tonau [886D]:
Croeshoeliad (alaw Gymreig)
Henffordd (<1876)
King's College (Edward C Walker 1848-72)
Llanelli (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Maes-yr-Helem (Thomas Williams 1807-94)
New College (<1875)
Pembroke (James Foster 1827-1915)
Penmaenmawr (Arthur H Brown 1830-1926)
Ravendale (Walter Stokes 1847-1916)
Rockingham (Edward Miller 1731-1807)

(The Small Quiet Cry)
From heaven came a small quiet cry,
A most delightful and most sweet sound,
  Through the regions of the round earth,
And although so quiet is the cry,
Everyone get to hear it under heaven;
  God himself is this.

A gracious cry it is, and very sweet;
An announcement of full forgiveness
  To the guilty one of poor condition;
An invitation to the needy ones
To every fulness without any ebbing;
  This is the gospel of peace.

It is softening the prodigal breast;
The will of man this will win,
  Without vanquishing,
      beating, nor violence;
  This is the best news ever;
To God and the Lamb be glory
  Forever for the delightful voice.

Let the sound of the gospel go before long
To the east and the western land,
  The cold north and the south;
O may all experience the effects of this,
May the world be bowing before it,
  And may its prosper in every place.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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