O'r nef y cwympodd syn yw sôn

(Codi dyn,
  a gado'r angel.)
O'r nef y cwympodd,
     syn yw sôn,
  Angelion gwrthryfelgar;
Y dwyfol lid dïalw'n ol
  A'u troes i fythol garchar.

Fel hwytha, sythriodd dyn o'i hedd
  I gamwedd a thrueni;
Ond ddaeth Mab Duw i lawr o'r nef
  I'w gadw ef a'i godi.

O gariad byth na cheir i maes!
  O ryfedd ras anfeidrol!
Y cadarn Dduw yn marw ei hun,
  Er achub dyn gelynol!

Angelion euog wedi eu cau,
  O fewn i'r ffau uffernol,
Ac euog ddyn yn canwawl gras
  Fry yn y ddinas nefol!

Am y fath gariad mawr a hwn
  Cydseiniwn bawb Hosanna,
A boed i'r byd a'r nefoedd fry
  Gydganu Haleluia.
cyf. Casgliad W Rowlands 1855

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Raising the man,
and keeping the angel.)
From heaven fell,
    surprising it is to mention,
  Rebellious angels;
The divine wrath unrevoked
   Turned them into an everlasting prison.

Like them, fell man from his peace
  To trespass and misery;
But the Son of God came down from heaven
  To save him and raise him.

O everlasting love not to be set forth!
  O wonderful, immeasurable grace!
The firm God dying himself,
  In order to save hostile man!

Guilty angels, having been locked,
  Within the infernal fate,
And guilty man extolling grace
  Above in the heavenly city!

About such great love a that
  Let all resound together Hosanna,
And may the world a and heaven above be
  Chorussing Hallelujah!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(Distinguishing love; or,
Angels puished and man saved.)
From heav'n
    the sinning angels fell,
  And wrath and darkness
      chained them down;
But man, vile man,
     forsook his bliss,
  And mercy
       lifts him to a crown.

Amazing work of sovereign grace
  That could distinguish rebels so!
Our guilty treasons caled aloud
  For everlasting fetters too.

To thee, to thee,
    Almighty Love,
  Our souls, ourselves,
      our all we pay:
Millions of tongues
    shall sound thy praise
  On the bright hill
      of heav'nly day.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

tune [LM 8888]: Mainzer (Joseph Mainzer 1801-51)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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