O'r nefoedd clywch ar fore clir, Daeth newydd da i Fethlem dir, Am sanctaidd enedigaeth Un, Sy'n gadarn dŵr i gadw dyn. Da Feddyg cleifion union yw, A ffynnon lân i'r aflan ryw: Gwir Fara'r Bywyd, hyfryd wledd, I'r sawl sy'n dlawd a gwael ei wedd. Rhyfeddod pob rhyfeddod yw - Gweld Iesu'n Ddyn, ac eto'n Dduw; Ar liniau Mair yn faban gwan - Yn Dduw presennol yn mhob man. I'r Tad sydd yn preswylio fry, I'r Mab a aned erom ni, I'r Ysbryd Glân, y Tri yn Un, Boed clod tragwyddol yn gytûn.Casgliad T Charles 1806
(Genedigaeth Crist) O'r nefoedd clywch ar fore clir, Newyddion ddaeth i Fethle'm dir, Fod i ni wedi ei eni un, Yn gadarn dŵr i gadw dyn. Fe ganodd yr angelion fry, O wir fawrhâd i'n Geidwad cu: A pha'm na chanwn ninau'n awr, Wir glôd am eni'n Ceidwad mawr. Da Feddyg cleifion union yw, A ffynnon lân i'r aflan ryw: A bara'r bywyd hyfryd hêdd, I'r rhai tylodion waelion wêdd. Rhyfeddod pob rhyfeddod yw, Fod Iesu'n ddyn, ac yn wir Dduw; Ar liniau Mair yn faban gwan, Yn Dduw presennol yn mhob man. Mae'n wisg i'r noethion, lymion lun, Mae'n nerth i'r gweiniaid, enwog un; Mae'n Fugail da i'w ddefaid oll, Fe fedr gael y rhai sy ar goll. Mae pob peth ynddo ef i'w gael, Sy'n eisieu ar bechadur gwael; Yn îe mae ac yn Amen, I'w blant dilyth, mae byth yn ben. Boed y gogoniant iddo ar gân, Trwy'r ddaear lawr, rhoed mawr a mân; I'r Tad, a'r Mab, a'r Ysbryd Glân, 'N un Duw o hyd, a diwahân. Trwy'r ddaear lawr, rhoed mawr a mân :: Gan fawr a mân, dros ddaear lawr
O'r nefoedd daeth ar fore clir, Newyddion da i Fethle'm dir, Fod i ni wedi ei eni un, Yn gadarn Dŵr i gadw dyn. Rhyfeddod pob rhyfeddod yw Gweld Iesu'n Ddyn, ac eto'n Dduw; Ar liniau Mair yn faban gwan - Yn Dduw presennol yn mhob man! Os rhyfedd gan angylion nef Oedd gwel'd ei bur ddynoldeb Ef, Mae myrdd o ryfeddodau mwy Yn rhinwedd glân ei farwol glwy'. Boed y gogoniant iddo'n lân, Trwy'r ddaear lawr, rhoed mawr a mân; I'r Tad, a'r Mab, a'r Ysbryd Glân, 'N un Duw o hyd, yn diwahân.Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844 3: Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850
Tonau [MH 8888]: gwelir: Rhyfeddod oedd rhyfeddod yw |
From heaven hear ye on a clear morning, Good news came to Bethlehem land, About the holy birth of One, Who is a firm tower to save man. An upright, good Physician of the ill he is, And a pure fount for the unclean ones: The true Bread of Life, a delightful feast, To those who are poor and of a lowly condition. Wonder of every wonder it is - To see Jesus as Man, and yet as God; On the knees of Mary as a weak baby - As God present in every place. To the Father who is residing above, To the Son who was born for us, To the Holy Spirit, the Three in One, Be eternal praise in agreement.
(The Birth of Christ) From the heavens hear ye on a clear morning, News which has come to the land of Bethlehem, That for us has been born one, As strong water to save man. The angels above sang, Of the true greatness to our dear Saviour: And why should we not sing now, True praise for the birth of our great Saviour. The true good Physician of the ill he is, And a clean well to the unclean ones: And the bread of life of delightful peace, To those poor of abject condition. Wonder of all wonders it is, That Jesus is man, and truly God; On Mary's knees as a weak baby, As God present in every place. He is clothing to the naked, bare image, He is strength to the weak, a famous one; He is the good Shepherd to all his sheep, He is able to get those who are lost. Everything in him is found, Which a base sinner needs; "Yes" he is and "Amen", To his genuine children he is always head. Be the glory to him in song, Through the earth below, let great and small give; To the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God always, and undivided. Through the earth below, let great and small give :: By great and small, over the earth below
From the heavens there came on a clear morning, Good news to Bethlehem land, That for us there has been born, A firm Tower to save man. Wonder of every wonder it is To see Jesus as Man, and still as God; On the knees of Mary as a weak baby - As God present in every place! If a wonder to the angels of heaven It was to see see His pure humanity, There are a myriad of wonders more In the holy merit of his mortal wound. Let there be holy glory to him, Through the earth below, let great and small give: To the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God always, and undivided.tr. 2014,15 Richard B Gillion |