O'r olewydden wyllt bob un

Gentiles by nature we belong

(Bendith Abraham ar y Cenhedloedd. Rhuf.XI. 16,17.)
O'r olewydden wyllt bob un
  Wrth nattur 'ry'm genedloedd;
Gras Duw a'n cymmerth
    o'r pren sur,
  Ac yn y pur fe'n impiodd.

Gras ddyry i'r cenhedlig ddyn
  A'r Iudduw'r unrhyw freintiau;
Os sanctaidd pur yw'r gwreiddyn gwiw,
  Pur sanctaidd yw'r canghennau.

Am hyn cyssegrer
    plant y saint
  Trwy'r cyfryw fraint i'r Arglwydd;
Duw, twallt arnynt d'Yspryd rhad,
  A golch â'th wa'd
      'u halogrwydd.

Felly caiff y rhieni a'u had
  Dy fendith rad oddi uchod,
A bydd teulueodd llawer llu
  O'r diwedd fry'n cyfarfod.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775
- - - - -
(Bedydd. Rhuf.XI. 16,17.)
O'r olewydden wyllt bob un,
  Wrth natur, ŷm genedloedd;
Ond Crist a'n cymmerth o'r pren sûr,
  Ac yn y pûr a'n himpiodd.

O Grist y mae i'r Cenedl-ddyn,
  A'r Iudduw'r un rhyw freintiau:
Os sanctaidd bur yw'r gwreiddyn gwiw,
  Pur sanctaidd yw'r canghenau.

Am hyn cyssegrer
    plant y saint,
  Trwy gyfryw fraint i'r Arglwydd;
Duw twallt arnynt d'Yspryd rhad,
  A golch â'th waed
      eu halogrwydd.

Felly y caiff y rhïeni a'u hâd,
  Dy fendith râd oddi uchod;
A bydd teulueodd, llawer llu,
  O'r diwedd fry'n cyfarfod.
cyf. Casgliad Morris Davies 1835

Tôn [MS 8787]: Llanfihangel (<1835)

(Bendith Abraham ar y Cenhedloedd. Rhuf.XI. 16,17.)
From the wild olive tree every one
  By nature we are gentiles;
The grace of God took us
    from the bitter tree,
  And in the pure he grafted us.

Grace gives to the gentile man
  And the Jew the same kind of privileges;
If holy, pure is the worthy root,
  Pure, holy are the branches.

Therefore let the children
    of the saints be consecrated
  Through such a privilege to the Lord;
God, pour upon them thy free Spirit,
  And wash with thy blood
      their contamination.

Thus may the parents and their seed get
  Thy free blessing from on high,
And the families of many a host shall be
  In the end above meeting.
- - - - -
(Baptism. Rom. 11:16-17.)
From the wild olive tree every one,
  By nature, we are gentiles;
But Christ took us from the bitter tree,
  And in the pure grafted us.

From Christ there are for the gentile man,
  And the Jew the same kind of privileges:
If holy, pure is the worthy root,
  Pure, holy are the branches.

Therefore the children of the saints
    are to be consecrated,
  Through such a privilege to the Lord;
God pour upon them thy free Spirit,
  And wash with thy blood
      their contamination.

Thus shall the parents and their seed get,
  Thy free blessing from on high;
And the families shall be, of many a host,
  In the end above meeting.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
(Abraham's Blessings of the Gentiles. Rom. 11:16-17.)
Gentiles by nature we belong
  To the wild olive wood;
Grace took us
    from the barren tree,
  And grafts us in the good.

With the same blessings grace endows
  The Gentile and the Jew;
If pure and holy be the root,
  Such are the branches too.

Then let the children
    of the saints
  Be dedicate to God;
Pour out thy Spirit on them, Lord,
  And wash them
      in thy blood.

Thus to the parents and their seed
  Shall thy salvation come,
And numerous households meet at last
  In one eternal home.
- - - - -
(Abraham's Blessings of the Gentiles. Rom. 11:16-17.)
Gentiles by nature we belong
  To the wild olive wood;
Grace took us from the barren tree,
  And grafts us in the good.

With the same blessings grace endows
  The Gentile and the Jew;
If pure and holy be the root,
  Such are the branches too.

Then let the children
    of the saints
  Be dedicate to God;
Pour out thy Spirit on them, Lord,
  And wash them
      in thy blood.

Thus to the parents and their seed
  Shall thy salvation come,
And numerous households meet at last
  In one eternal home.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707-9

Tune [MS 8787]: Sarah (Charles H Gabriel 1856-1932)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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