O rho dy bwys ar freichiau'r Iesu

Just lean upon the arms of Jesus

(Pwysa ar ei fraich)
O! rho dy bwys ar freichiau'r Iesu,
Fe'th gynnal ymlaen,
        fe'th gynnal ymlaen;
Dy galon, wrth ymddiried ynddo,
    A leinw ef â chân.

  Pwysa ar ei fraich, (Bythol)
      cred ei gariad mwyn,
  Pwysa ar ei fraich (Cans)
      arni cei dy ddwyn,
  Pwysa ar ei fraich, (O! mae)
      O! mae nefol swyn
    Wrth bwyso ar fraich fy Nuw.

O! rho dy bwys ar freichiau'r Iesu
Rhydd olau i'th droed,
        rhydd olau i'th droed;
Lle bynnag byddo yn dy arwain
    O! dilyn yn ddi-oed.

O! rho dy bwys ar freichiau'r Iesu
D'ofalon i gyd,
        d'ofalon i gyd,
A'th feichiau trymion dod ar Iesu,
    Mae'n cario beichiau'r byd.

O! rho dy bwys ar freichiau'r Iesu,
Dy garu y mae,
        dy garu y mae,
Nid yw ei galon byth yn oeri
    Na'i lygaid yn trymhau.
cyf. anadnabyddus

Tôn []:
Pwysa ar ei fraich / Lean on his arms
    (1903 Lewis Edgar Jones [Edgar Lewis] 1865-1936)

(Lean on his arms)
Oh, put your weight on the arms of Jesus!
He will support thee onwards,
        he will support thee onwards,
Thy heart, while trusting in him,
    He will fill with song.

  Lean on his arm, (Ever)
      believe his dear love,
  Lean on his arm, (Since)
      on it thou mayst get led,
  Lean on his arm, (Oh there is)
      Oh there is heavenly charm
    While leaning on the arm of my God.

Oh, put thy weight on the arms of Jesus!
He will give light to thy feet,
         he will give light to thy feet;
Wherever he will lead thee,
    Oh, follow without delay!

Oh, put thy weight on the arms of Jesus!
All thy cares,
        all thy cares,
Thy heavy burdens bring to Jesus,
    He carries the burdens of the world.

Oh, put thy weight on the arms of Jesus,
Loving thee he is,
        loving thee he is,
His heart never grows cold
    Nor his eyes heavy.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion
Just lean upon the arms of Jesus,
He'll help you along,
        help you along,
If you will trust His love unfailing,
    He'll fill your heart with song.

  Lean on His arms,
      trusting in His love;
  Lean on His arms,
      all His mercies prove;
  Lean on His arms,
      looking home above,
    Just lean on the Saviour's arms!

Just lean upon the arms of Jesus.
He'll brighten the way,
        brighten the way,
Just follow gladly where He leadeth,
    His gentle voice obey.

Just lean upon the arms of Jesus,
O bring ev'ry care,
        bring ev'ry care!
The burden that has seemed so heavy,
    Take to the Lord in prayer.

Just lean upon the arms of Jesus,
Then leave all to Him,
        leave all to Him;
His heart is full of love and mercy,
    His eyes are never dim.
Words & Music (Lean on his arms):
  1903 Lewis Edgar Jones (Edgar Lewis) 1865-1936

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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