O rhoddwn fawl i'n Harglwydd Dduw, Ffynnon tragwyddol gariad yw: Ei drugareddau mawrion ef A bery byth fel dyddiau'r nef. O mor rhyfeddol yw ei waith Dros holl derfynau'r ddaear faith; Pwy byth all draethu'n llawn ei glod, Anfeidrol, annherfynol Fod? Dy heddwch gad i mi fwynhau, Heddwch dy etholedig rai; A phan eu rhoddi hwy yn rhydd Fy iachawdwriaeth innau fydd. Gad imi dreulio f'einioes wiw Mewn undeb gyda'th blant, O Dduw; Ac yn y diwedd gad im ddod I'th felys foli uwch y rhod. - - - - - O rhoddwn fawl i'r Arglwydd Dduw, Ffynnon tragwyddol gariad yw: Ei drugareddau mawrion Ef A bery byth fel dyddiau'r nef. O mor rhyfeddol yw ei waith, Dros holl derfynau'r ddaear faith; Pwy, pwy all draethu'n llawn ei glod, Anfeidrol, annherfynol Fod! A doniau dwyfol, ddynion dowch, Caniadau moliant iddo rhowch: Dadseiniwch glod am farwol glwy' Nes codi haul heb fachlud mwy. I Ffynnon pob daionus rodd Rhowch fawl, drigolion byd ar g'oedd: Llu'r nef, rhowch glod mewn peraidd gān, I'r Tad, a'r Mab, a'r Yspryd Glān.cyf. anhysbys, priodolwyd i Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850
Tonau [MH 8888]: gwelir: Gan bawb sy'n trigo is y rhod |
O let us render praise to our Lord God, An eternal fount of love he is: His great mercies Shall endure forever like the days of heaven. O how wonderful is his work Over all the ends of the wide earth; Who ever can expound fully his praise, Immeasurable, infinite Being? Thy peace let me enjoy, The peace of thy chosen ones; And when they are given freely My own salvation will be. Let me spend my worthy life In union with thy children, O God; And at the end grant me to come To praise thee thus above the sky. - - - - - Oh, let us render praise to the Lord God, A fount of eternal love he is: His great mercies Shall endure forever like the days of heaven. Oh, how wonderful is his work, Across all the ends of the vast earth; Who, who can expound fully his esteem? An immeasurable, unlimited Being! With divine gifts, come ye men, Songs of praise to him render: Echo ye esteem for a mortal wound Until the rising of the sun with no more setting. To the Fount of every good gift Render praise, ye inhabitants of the world publicly: Ye host of heaven, render esteem in a sweet song, To the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.tr. 2009,15 Richard B Gillion |
1,2: Nahum Tate 1652-1715 & Nicholas Brady 1659-1726