O rhoddwn glod ar newydd gân
Rho'wn ddwyfol glod ar newydd gān

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,4,6.
(Y Drindod)
Rho'wn ddwyfol glod ar newydd gān
I'r Tad, a'r Mab, a'r Ysbryd Glān;
  Yr un yn Dri, a'r Tri yn Un,
  Creawdwr a Gwaredwr dyn.

Rhyfeddol a dirgelaidd yw
Gweithredoedd a Rhagluniaeth Duw,
  Pa sant, neu seraph, yn y nef,
  A gynnwys fyth ei hanfod Ef?

Nid yw'r tri pherson yn dri bod,
Ond un anfeidrol Duw erio'd;
  Un ddwyfol natur sydd o hyd,
  Yn perthyn i'r personau ' gyd.

Pob priodoledd sydd yn Nuw,
Pob enw ac addoliad gwiw,
  Berthynant oll yn ddiwahan
  I'r Tad, a'r Mab, a'r Ysbryd Glān.

Yr un gweithredoedd rhyfedd rhad,
A wnaeth y Mab, a wnaeth y Tad;
  Ysgrythyr Duw, nid rheswm dyn,
  Sy'n dangos hyn am dano'i hun.

Derbyniwn y gwirionedd mawr,
Nas gallwn ei amgyffred 'nawr:
  A molwn, bawb, mewn hwyl ddilyth,
  Drindod bur anfeidrol byth.
Rho'wn ddwyfol :: O rhoddwn
Gwaredwr :: Gwaredydd
A molwn, bawb :: A moled bawb
mewn hwyl ddilyth :: sy'n meddu chwyth
Drindod bur anfeidrol byth :: Drindod, heb ddiweddu byth

Benjamin Francis 1734-99

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    Jesu Redemptor (alaw Regoraidd)
    Yr Hen Ganfed (Pseaumes octante-trois 1551)

gwelir: Rhyfeddol a dirgelaidd yw

(The Trinity)
Let us render divine praise with a new song
To the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit;
  The one in Three, and the Three in One,
  Creator and Deliverer of man.

Wonderful and mysterious are
The actions and Providence of God,
  What saint, or seraph, in heaven,
  Shall ever contain His essence?

The three persons are not in three beings,
But ever one infinite God;
  One divine nature which is always,
  Belonging to all the persons.

Every attribute which is in God,
Every name and worthy adoration,
  They all belong undividedly
  To the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit;

The same wonderful, gracious works,
That the Son did, the Father did;
  The scripture of God, not the reason of man,
  Is showing this about himself.

Let us accept the great truth,
That we cannot grasp now:
  And let us all praise, in unfailing fervour,
  The Trinity, without ever ending.
Let us render divine :: O let us render
And let us all praise :: And let everyone praise
mewn hwyl ddilyth :: sy'n meddu chwyth
The pure, infinite Trinity forever :: The Trinity, without ever ending

tr. 2008,16 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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