O rhoddwn glôd i'r Iesu mawr

(Gofal Iesu am danom)
O! rhoddwn glôd i'r Iesu mawr,
  Yr Hwn sy'n awr yn entrych nef;
Er mor oruchel yno yw,
  Efe a glyw anghenog lêf.

Ein Llywydd mawr! tosturio mae;
  Pob cur a gwae, am danynt gŵyr:
Oddiwrth ein blin ysprydol blâ
  Efe'n gwellhâu â'i waed yn llwyr.

Efe yw'n Duw a'n Ceidwad da;
  Tawelu wna'n gofalon ni:
Pan ruo'r môr, pan guro'r dòn,
  Ei heddwch llon ostega'r lli'.

O! rhoddwn glôd i'r Iesu mawr,
  Yr Hwn sy'n awr yn entrych nef;
Mae yno'n Gymwynaswr hael,
  A gweddi'r gwael a wrendy Ef.
Roger Edwards 1811-86

Tôn [MH 8888]: St Gregory (alaw Ellmynaidd)

(The care of Jesus for us)
O let us render praise to the great Jesus!
  Him who is now in the vault of heaven;
Although so supreme he is there,
  He shall hear a needy cry.

Our great Governor, showing mercy he is;
  Every stroke and woe, about them he knows:
From our grievous spiritual plague
  He will heal us with his blood completely.

He is our God and our good Saviour;
  Quieten he does our cares:
When the sea roars, when the wave strikes,
  His cheerful peace shall calm the flood.

O let us render praise to the great Jesus!
  Him who is now in the vault of heaven;
There is there our generous Benefactor,
  And the prayer of the poor He hears.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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