O Ryfeddol ddwyfol gariad
O Ryfeddol dyner gariad

(Cariad Duw)
O Ryfeddol dyner gariad
  Sy'n fy arwain
      drwy fy oes,
Cariad o dragwyddol darddiad
  A ddadlennwyd ar y groes;
Cariad Tad heb
    ffin na mesur
  Fel y Duwdod yn ei faint;
Cariad erys drwy yr oesoedd
  Yn brif destyn
      mawl y saint.

Gwena arnaf fel y wawrddydd
  Toa droswyf fel y nen,
Amgylchynna fy holl lwybrau
  Ymhob blinder deil fy mhen;
Hwn yw llewyrch fy ffurfafen
      anghydseiniau f'oes
Mwynaidd awel rydd i'm fywyd
  Pan yn suddo dan y groes.

Dyma sylfaen fy ngobeithion
  Rydd ysbrydiaeth yn fy nghân,
Fy nghynhorthwy yn y dyfroedd
  A fy nodded yn y tân;
Nid oes i'm o fewn y cread
  Nid oes i'm yn nef y nef,
Ddim mewn bywyd, ddim yn angeu
  Fel ei gariad rhyfedd Ef.

           - - - - -

O! Ryfeddol ddwyfol gariad
  Sy'n fy arwain
      drwy fy oes,
Cariad o dragwyddol darddiad
  A ddatgudiwyd ar y groes;
Cariad yw heb ffin na mesur
  Fel y Duwdod yn ei faint;
Cariad erys drwy yn oes oesoedd
  Yn brif destyn
      mawl y saint.

Dyma sylfaen fy ngobeithion,
  Dyma 'ngobaith, dyma nghân,
Dyma 'nghymorth yn y dyfroedd
  A'm diogelwch yn y tân;
Nid oes im o fewn y cread
  Nid oes im yn nef y nef,
Nid oes im wrth fyw, wrth farw,
  Ond ei ryfedd gariad Ef.
David Davies 1849-1926

Tôn [8787D]: Rhydargaeau (W T Samuel 1852-1917)

(The Love of God)
O wonderful, tender love
  Which is leading me
      throughout my lifespan,
Love from an eternal spring
  Was revealed on the cross;
Father's love without
    boundary or measure
  Like the Godhead in its extent;
Love shall endure throughout the ages
  As the chief theme
      of the praise of the saints.

It smiles upon me like the dawn
  It forms a roof over me like the sky,
It surrounds all my paths
  In every grief it holds my head;
This is the radiance of my firmament
  The harmony of the
      disagreements of my lifespan
A gentle breeze which gives me life
  When sinking under the cross.

Here is the foundation of my hopes
  Which gives inspiration in my song,
My support in the waters
  And my refuge in the fire;
I have nothing within the creation
  I have nothing in the heaven of heaven,
Nothing in life, nothing in death
  Like His wonderful love.

               - - - - -

O wonderful divine love!
  Which is leading me
      through my lifespan,
Love from an eternal spring,
  Was disclosed on the cross;
Love it is without boundary or measure
  Like the Godhead in its extent;
Love shall endure forever and ever
  As the chief theme of
      the praise of the saints.

Here is the foundation of my hopes,
  Here is my hope, here my song,
Here my support in the waters
  And my safety in the fire;
I have nothing within the creation
  I have nothing in the heaven of heaven,
I have nothing while living, while dying,
  But His wonderful love.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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