O Salem hardd preswylfa'n Nêr

(Goruchelder Duw)
O Salem hardd! preswylfa'n Nêr
  Tu hwnt i gylchoedd maith y sêr -
Neillduol gartref Duw ei Hun,
  Sy'n mhell uwchlaw dychymmyg dyn.

Ymgryma'r engyl yno i lawr
  Ger bron y presennoldeb mawr,
A'r saint prynedig
    rif y gwlith
  Heb ond un anian yn eu plith.

A feiddiwn ni farwolion ddod,
  Ger bron ein Duw i seinio'i glod?
Trwy angeu'r groes
    rhoed i ni hawl
  I draethu'n cwyn
      ac odli'n mawl.

Dechreuwn heddyw ar y gwaith,
  Mewn marwol fyd, mewn dynol iaith,
Nes cael ein lle yn mysg y llu
  Sy'n ddedwydd yn y nefoedd fry.
William Ambrose (Emrys) 1813-73

Tonau [MH 8888]:
    All Angels (<1875)
    Angel's Song (<1875)

(The Supremacy of God)
O beautiful Salem! habitation of the Lord
  Beyong the vast circuits of the stars -
The private home of God Himself,
  Which is far above the imagination of man.

The angels there bow down
  Before the great presence,
And the redeemed saints
    of the number of the dew
  With only one nature amongst them.

And shall we mortals dare to come
  Before our God to sound his acclaim?
Through the death of the cross
    he gave us the right
  To expound our complaint
       and the verses of our praise.

Let us start today on the work,
  In a mortal world, in human language,
Until getting our place amongst the host
  Who are happy in heaven above.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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