O fryn Sïon y daeth Duw Naf
O Seion fryn y daeth Duw Naf

(Salm L. 2,5,14.)
O Seion fryn y daeth Duw Naf,
  Hon sydd berffeithiaf ddinas,
Mewn tegwch a goleuni mawr,
  A llewyrch gwawr o'i gwmpas.

O! cesglwch ataf fi fy saint,
  Y rhai, drwy ryddfraint brydferth,
A wnaethant ammod â myfi,
  A'i rhwymo hi drwy aberth.

Dy oglud dod ar Dduw yn drwm,
  A thâl yr offrwm penaf;
Cân ei fawl ef, a dod ar led
  D'adduned i'r Goruchaf.
O Seion fryn :: O fryn Sïon
o'i gwmpas :: o'i chwmpas

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Oldenburg (Andachts Zymbeln 1655)
Sabbath (J Williams [Ioan Rhagfyr] 1740-1821)

gwelir: O cesglwch ataf fi fy saint

(Psalm 50: 2,5,14.)
From Zion hill came God the Lord,
  This is the most perfect city,
In great loveliness and light,
  With the radiance of dawn around it.

Oh, gather ye to me my saints,
  Those, through beautiful freedom,
Who make terms with me,
  And bind her through sacrifice.

Thy dependence put on God heavily,
  And pay the chief offering;
Sing his praise, and present openly
  Thy vow to the Most High.
From zion hill :: From the hill of Zion
around it :: around her

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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