O'th flaen â chalon rwydd

(Erfyn am fendith ar y cydgynulliad)
O'th flaen â chalon rwydd,
  O Arglwydd, wele ni
'Nawr wedi 'mgynull yn dy lys,
  Yn ol dy 'wyllys Di.

I ganu'th sanctaidd glod
  Am waed y cymod cu;
O boed dy gariad dan ein bron,
  Nes gwneyd yn llon ein llu.

Dod fendith yma'n awr,
  D'efengyl fawr a fo
Yn tra-dyrchafu'r Iesu gwyn,
  Yn mhob rhyw fryn a bro.

Disgyned arnom ni
  Dy Ysbryd di, O Dad!
Fel byddo i bawb o'th anwyl blant
  Roi moliant a mawrhad.
Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau (Stephen & Jones) 1868

Tôn [MB 6686]: Ipswich (J J Waite 1808-68)

(Entreaty for blessing on the gathered assembly)
Before thee with a free heart,
  O Lord, see us
Now having assembled in thy court,
  According to Thy will.

To sing thy holy praise
  About the blood of the dear covenant;
O may thy love be under our breast,
  Until making cheerful our throng.

Thy blessing come here now,
  Thy great gospel be
Highly exalting the blessed Jesus,
  In every kind of hill and vale.

My Thy Spirit descend
  Upon us, O Father!
That all of thy dear children may be
  Rendering praise and majesty.
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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