O tyred heddyw Yspryd Glân

(I'w chanu ar y Sulgwyn)
O tyred heddyw, Yspryd Glân,
Ac arnom disgyn di yn dân,
  Fel bo'n calonnau celyd ni
  Yn toddi gan dy effaith di.

O pura di'n serchiadau oll,
A nād i'n meddwl fyn'd ar goll;
  A boed yn awr (O gwrando'n llef)
  Ein dymuniadau'n un â'r nef.

Boed yma'n nefoedd ar y llawr
I'm enaid i am ennyd awr;
  Yr Yspryd Sanctaidd, dyro'n gry'
  Flaen-brofion o'r llawenydd fry.

Ffrwythlona'n dêg yr anial dir,
A dwrfrhâ'r eginyn îr,
  Rho wiwdîg rym i hadau gras,
  I ddwyn eu ffrwythau pêr i ma's.
Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu o Geredigion) 1792-1846

Mesur [MH 8888]

(To be sung on Whit Sunday)
Oh come today, Holy Spirit,
And upon us descend as fire,
  That our hard hearts may
  Melt by thy effect.

Oh purify thou all our affections,
And let not our thoughts get lost;
  And may now (oh listen to our cry)
  Our desires be the same as heaven.

May heaven be here down on earth
For my soul for the spell of an hour;
  The Holy Spirit, give strongly
  Foretastes of the joys above.

Delightfully fertilize the desert land,
And water the fresh shoot,
  Give worthy force to the seeds of grace,
  To bring their sweet fruits out.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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