O Wele'r dyrfa lon

(Y Dyrfa Lon)
O! Wele'r dyrfa lon
  Ger bron yr orsedd lân;
Cyduno maent i foli'r Ion
  Yn gyson, fawr a mân.

Tarawant yn gytun
  Bob telyn yn y lle,
Gan seinio'n gu ryw newydd gân
  O foliant iddo 'Fe.

Beth bynag fu eu rhan
  Tra yn yr anial fyd,
Un testyn heddyw sydd i'r gân -
  Un gwaith i'r dyrfa i gyd.

[Ar fôr a wydyr glân
   Saif heirdd gantorion nef,
 A seiniant glodydd Mab y dyn
   Mewn Haleliwia gref.]

Nesâu mae'r ddedwydd awr
  Cawn ninau fyn'd i'w plith,
I seinio'r anthem, yn ddiboen,
  I Dduw a'r Oen dros byth.
seinio'n gu ryw :: beraidd byncio'r

Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Olmutz (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Sarah (Samuel Arnold 1740-1802)
Tytherton (Lewis R West 1753-1826)

(The joyful Throng)
O see the joyful throng
  Before the holy throne!
They are joining to praise the Lord
  Constantly, great and small.

The strike in agreement
  Every harp in the place,
While sounding fondly some new song
  Of praise unto Him.

Whatever was their lot
  While in the desert world,
One theme today is their song -
  One work to all the throng.

[On a sea of pure glass
   Stand splendid singers of heaven,
 Who sound the praises of the Son of man
   In a strong Hallelujah.]

Nearing is the happy hour
  When we may go among them,
To sound the anthem, untiringly,
  To God and the Lamb for ever.
sounding fondly some :: sweetly chanting the

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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