O wele'r Ceidwad mawr

(Cyfiawnder Iesu) / (Adnabod Iesu)
O wele'r Ceidwad mawr
  A ddaeth i lawr o'r nef,
I achub gwaelaidd lwch y llawr!
  Gogoniant iddo ef.
Bu farw yn ein lle
  Ni, bechaduriaid gwael;
Mae pob cyfiawnder ynddo ef
  Sydd arnom eisiau'i gael.

Ei nabod ef yn iawn
  Yw'r bywyd llawn o hedd;
A gwel'd ei iachawdwriaeth lawn
  Sydd yn ddigonol wledd:
Cael teimlo gwaed ei groes
  Yn dofi'r loes a'r cur,
A wnaeth i filoedd yn mhob oes
  I seinio'r anthem bur.
ynddo ef :: ynddo E'
ddigonol :: dragwyddol
ei groes :: y groes
I seinio :: Cydseinio

John Thomas 1730-c1803

Tôn [MBD 6686D]: Bohemia (<1876)

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Penmaen (hen alaw)
Sarah (Samuel Arnold 1740-1802)

(The Righteousness of Jesus) / (Knowing Jesus)
O see the great Saviour
  Who came down from heaven,
To save the base dust of the earth!
  Glory to him.
He died in our place
  For us abject sinners;
There is every righteousness in him
  Which we need to get.

Knowing him well
  Is the life full of peace;
And seeing his full salvation
  Is a sufficient feast:
To get to feel the blood of his cross
  Taming the anguish and the stoke,
Makes thousands in every age
  Sound the pure anthem.
sufficient :: eternal
his cross :: the cross
Sound :: Sound together

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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