O Ysbryd pur nefolaidd, Cyn 'r elwy'i lawr i'r bedd; Trwy ryw athrawiaeth hyfryd, Pâr i mi brofi hedd: Cael profi blas maddeuant, Maddeuant llawn a rhad, Yw'r penaf peth wy'n geisio Yn awr drwy rin y gwaed. A raid i'm henaid drengu, O eisieu'r dyfroedd clir? 'Rwyf bron llewygu'n tramwy Y dyrys anial dir; Dwg fi i'r dyfroedd tawel, A'r gleision borfeydd mawr, Lle mae y rhai lluddedig Yn cael rhoi'r pen i lawr. - - - - - 1,2,3,(5); 1,2,5; 1,3,4; 1,3,5. O Ysbryd pur nefolaidd, Cyn 'r elwyf 'lawr i'r bedd, Trwy ryw athrawiaeth hyfryd, Gâd imi brofi'th hedd; Cael profi llawn faddeuant, Maddeuant cyfan rhad, Yw'r cyntaf peth a geisiaf Yr awrhon yn y gwaed. O haeddiant annherfyned, A gras o nefol ryw, Raid imi gael, a wnelo Fy heddwch llawn â Duw; 'Dyw gwaith a dyledswyddau, Ganmolir trwy'r holl fyd, Yn abl i faddeu pechod, Pe byddent fyrdd ynghyd. Mae ynddo nerth diderfyn, Doethineb maith yn rhad, Deng miliwn o rinweddau, A rhagor, yn y gwaed; Mae ynddo bob rhyw angen Sydd ar bechadur gwan, Tan filoedd o ammheuon, I godi ei ben i'r làn. Hwyrfrydig ei ddigofaint At rai sy'n llawn o fai; Wrth benna o bechaduriaid O'i fodd yn trugarhau; Mae'n cadw rhad drugaredd I filoedd maith a mwy, Ac er ei glod yn maddeu Eu haml feiau hwy. O! crêd, O! crêd, cei gymmhorth I dynu'r llygad de; O! cred, O! cred, cei allu I dori'r fraich o'i lle: Trwy gredu, ti orchfygi Elynion rif y gwlith; Cred yn yr Oen yn unig, A'th wna yn hapus byth. Doethineb maith :: Doethineb mawr - - - - - O Yspryd pur nefolaidd, Cyn 'r elwyf 'lawr i'r bedd, Trwy ryw athrawiaeth hyfryd, Gad imi brofi'th hedd; Maddeuant! O maddeuant! Maddeuant cyfan, rhad, Yw'r cyntaf peth wy'n geisio Yr awrhon yn y gwaed. O ras didrai diderfyn, Tragwyddol ei barhâd! Yn nghlwyfau'r Oen fu farw, Yn unig mae iachâd! Iachâd oddiwrth euogrwydd, Iachâd o ofnau'r bedd; A chariad wedi ei wreiddio Ar sail tragwyddol hedd! O! Ysbryd Sancteiddiolaf, Anadla arna'i lawr, O'r cariad anchwiliadwy Sy'n nghalon Iesu mawr; Trwy haeddiant Oen Calfaria, Ac yn ei glwyfau rhad, 'Rwy'n dysgwyl pob rhyw ronyn O burdeb gan fy Nhad.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [7676D]: gwelir: RhanII - O cred O cred cai gymmorth Mae'r ffynnon yn agored 'N ol edrych ar ol edrych O cred O cred cai gymmorth O iachawdwriaeth gadarn Teilwng yw'r Oen a laddwyd O Ysbryd Sancteiddiolaf (Anadla arna'i lawr) |
O pure, heavenly Spirit, Before I go down to the grave, Through some delightful teaching, Cause me to experience thy peace; To get to experience full forgiveness, Total and free forgiveness, Is the chief thing I am seeking Now through the merit of the blood. Must my soul die, From the lack of the clear waters? I am almost fainting traversing The troublesome desert land; Lead me to the quiet waters, And the great, green pastures, Where the exhausted ones Get to lay the head down. - - - - - O pure, heavenly Spirit, Before I go down to the grave, Through some delightful teaching, Let me experience thy peace; To get to experience full forgiveness, Total, free forgiveness, Is the first thing I seek Now in the blood. O such boundless merit And grace of a heavenly sort, I must get, which would make My peace full with God; Not work and duties, To be extolled throughout the whole world, Are able to forgive sins, Even if they were a myriad altogether. There is in it endless strength, Vast wisdom freely, Ten million virtues, And more, in the blood; There is in it every kind of need Which is upon a weak sinner, Under thousands of doubts, To lift his head up. Long-suffering his wrath Towards those who are full of fault; To the chief of sinners Delighting in showing mercy; He is keeping free mercy To vast thousands and more, And for his praise forgiving Their manifold faults. O believe! O believe! thou wilt get help To pluck out the right eye; O believe! O believe! thou wilt get ability To cut the arm from its place: Through believing, thou wilt overcome Enemies numerous as the dew; Believe in the Lamb alone, Who will make thee happy forever. Doethineb maith :: Doethineb mawr - - - - - O pure, heavenly Spirit, Before I go down to the grave, Through some delightful teaching, Let me experience thy peace; Forgiveness! O forgiveness! Total, free forgiveness, Is the first thing I am seeking Now in the blood. O grace unebbing, endless, Eternal its endurance! In the wounds of the Lamb who died, Alone is healing! Healing from guilt, Healing from fears of the grave; And love rooted On the foundation of eternal peace! O Most Holy Spirit, Breathe upon me now! From the unsearchable love Which is in the heart of great Jesus; Through the merit of the lamb of Calvary, And in his gracious wound, I am expecting in some little while Purification by my Father.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |