Oruchel Lywydd nef a llawr (Rhown i Ti fyth fawrhad)

(Tadolaeth Duw)
Oruchel Lywydd nef a llawr,
  Rhown i Ti fyth fawrhad;
Ti sydd anfeidrol nerthol Nêr,
  Ac annwyl dyner Dad;
Tad Tragwyddoldeb,
    Tad pob dawn
Yn rasol gawn
    trwy'n hoes i gyd;
Mae calon Tad tu ôl i'r fraich
  Sy'n cynnal baich y byd.

Tad holl angylion
    nefoedd fry,
  A llu tylywthau'r llawr:
Tadolaeth ydyw gryn a gwres
  Y fynwes ddwyfol fawr;
Meddyliau hedd a lifa i maes
Ohoni'n ras i'n daear ni;
Aeth llanw cariad
    tadol Iôr
  Yn fôr dros Galfari!

Mae'n Dad sy'n hoffi maddau bai
  I'r euog rai yn rhad,
Dilea bob halogrwydd blin
  Trwy rin y dwyfol waed;
Mae'n cydymdeimlo gyda'r gwan,
Fe'i deil i'r lan er pob ryw loes;
Gwna'r brwnt yn lân
    a'r gwan yn gryf -
  Yn gryf o dan y groes.
John Hughes (Glanystwyth) 1842-1902

Tonau [8686.8886]:
Foelallt (Fawr) (David Evans 1874-1948)
Rotterdam (Strasburger Gesangbuch 1560)
St Samson (John Jenkins, Ffynnon Taf.)
  Tadolaeth (John Evans [Cynogfab] 1857-1929)

(The Fatherhood of God)
Supreme Governor of heaven and earth,
  We render to Thee forever majesty;
Thou art an immeasurable, strong Lord,
  And a dear, tender Father;
The Father of Eternity,
    the Father of every gift
Which graciously we have
    throughout all our life;
The Father's heart is behind the arm
  Which supports the burden of the world.

The Father of all the angels
    of heaven above,
  And a host of tribes of earth below:
Fatherhood is the thrust and heat
  Of the great divine breast;
Thoughts of peace shall flow out
Of it as grace to our earth;
A flood of the love of the
    Fatherly Master went
  As a sea over Calvary!

It is our Father who loves to forgive fault
  For the guilty one freely,
Deleting every wearying defilement
  Through the merit of the divine blood;
He sympathises with the weak,
He will hold up despite every kind of pang;
He will make the dirty clean
     and the weak strong -
  Strong under his cross.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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