Os Iesu Grist yn dlawd a ddaeth

(Ein Dyled i Grist)
Os Iesu Grist yn dlawd a ddaeth,
  Heb le i roi'i ben i lawr;
Ai gormod yw i'r fynwes hon
  Roi cartref iddo'n awr?
Os gwawdiwyd enw Iesu gynt
  Gan ei elynion cas;
Ai gormod i'w gyfeillion hoff
  Yw canmol gwaith ei ras?

Os dygodd Iesu addfwyn faich
  Euogrwydd mawr ein bai;
Ai gormod yw i euog ddyn
  Gyd-ddwyn ei esmwyth iau?

Os plygodd Iesu da ei ben
  I farw ar y groes; 
Ai gormod yw i ninnau mwy
  Fyw iddo drwy ein hoes?
David Lewis (Dewi Medi) 1844-1917

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Ballerma (Robert Simpson 1790-1832)
Gwinllan / Tyn-Rhos (alaw Gymreig)
Hiraethog (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Mozart (W A Mozart 1756-91)
Rachel (W J Evans 1866-1947)

(Our Duty to Christ)
If Jesus Christ became poor,
  With no place to lay down his head;
Is it enough for this breast
  To give him a home now?

If the name of Jesus was once mocked
  By his hateful enemies;
Is it enough for his favourite friends
  To praise the work of his grace?

If gentle Jesus bore the burdens
  Of the great guilt of our fault;
Is it enough for guilty man
  To lead together his easy young?

If good Jesus bowed his head
  To die on the cross;
Is it enough for us henceforth
  To live for him throughout our life?
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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