Os carodd Brenin nef

(Cariad Duw)
  Os carodd Brenin nef
    Ni bryfed gwael mor fawr,
  O carwn ninau ef
    A'n holl galonau'n awr;
Dangoswn iddo ddidwyll barch,
Trwy gadw'i air,
    a gwneud ei arch.

  Mae pob peth ganddo ef
    Sydd eisiau arnom gael;
  Cyfodwn ato'n llef,
    Mae ganddo galon hael;
Mae'n rhoi yn rhwydd, yn rhoi yn rhad
I bawb o' blant - O dyner Dad!
Dafydd Jones 1770-1831

[Mesur: 666688]

(The Love of God)
  If the King of heaven loved
    Us base worms so greatly,
  O let us then love him
    With all our hearts now;
Let us show to him sincere reverence,
Through keeping his word,
    and doing his command.

  Everything he has
    We want to get;
  Let us raise to him our cry,
    He has a generous heart;
He is giving freely, giving graciously
To all of his children - O tender Father!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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