Os rhaid wynebu'r afon donnog

Os rhaid wynebu'r afon donnog,
  Mae Un i dorri
    grym y dwr,
Iesu, f'Archoffeiriad ffyddlon,
  A chanddo sicir afael siwr;
Yn ei gôl caf weiddi 'Concwest!'
  Ar angau, uffern, byd, a bedd,
Tragwyddol fod heb fodd i bechu,
  Yn ogoneddus yn ei wedd.

[Melys gofio y cyfamod
   Draw a wnaed
     gan Dri yn Un,
 Tragwyddol syllu ar y Person
   A gymerodd natur dyn;
 Wrth gyflawni yr amodau,
   Trist iawn hyd angau ei enaid oedd;
 Dyma gân y saith ugeinmil
   Tu draw i'r llen
     â llawen floedd.]

Byw heb wres na haul yn taro,
  Byw heb allu marw mwy,
Pob rhyw alar wedi darfod,
  Dim ond canu am farwol glwy';
Nofio yn afon bur y bywyd,
  Diderfyn heddwch sanctaidd Dri,
Dan d'w'niadau digymylau
  Gwerthfawr angau Calfari.

- - - - -
Os rhaid wynebu'r afon donog, Mae un i dori grym y lli'; Iesu f'Archoffeiriad ffyddlon, Dyna ddigon byth i mi; Yn ei waed caf waeddi concwest, Ar angeu, uffern, byd, a'r bedd, Tragwyddoldeb byth heb bechu, Yn ogoneddus ar ei wedd. Yn lle cario corph o lygredd, Cyd-dreiddio â'r côr yn danbaid fry; I ddiderfyn ryfeddodau, Iachawdwriaeth Calfari; Byw i wel'd yr anweledig, Fu farw, ac sydd etto yn fyw; Tragwyddol anwahanol undeb, A chymdeithas â fy Nuw. Yno caf dderchafu'r Person, A osododd Duw yn Iawn; Heb ddychymyg, llen na gorchudd, A'm henaid ar ei ddelw yn llawn; Y'nghymdeithas y dirgelwch, Dadguddiedig yn ei glwy'; Addoli'r Mab i dragwyddoldeb, Heb golli 'ngolwg arno mwy. O am bara i uchel yfed, O ffrydiau'r iachawdwriaeth fawr; Nes fy hollol ddisychedu, Am ddarfodedig bethau'r llawr; Byw tan ddysgwyl am fy Arglwydd, Bod pan ddel yn effro iawn: I agoryd iddo yn ebrwydd, A mwynhau ei ddelw'n llawn. [Nis dichon byd a'i holl deganau Foddloni fy serchiadau'n awr, A ennillwyd, a ëhangwyd, Yn nydd nerth fy Arglwydd mawr; Efe, nid llai, a all eu llenwi, Er mai di amgyffred Dduw; O! am syllu ar ei berson, Rhyfeddod pob rhyfeddod yw. O! na chawn ni dreulio'n nyddiau, Yn fywyd o ddyrchafu ei waed; Llechu'n dawel dan ei gysgod, Byw a marw wrth ei draed; Cario'r groes, a pharâ i'w chodi, Am mai croes fy Mhriod yw, Ymddifyru yn ei berson, A'i addoli ef, fy NUW.]
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Dismissal (W L Viner 1790-1867)
Dolwar (< 1869)
Dre-Hir (David Evans 1874-1948)
Eryl (J Morgan Lloyd 1880-?)
Noddfa (Hugh Jones 1863-1933)

  (Bydd) melys gofio y cyfammod
  Byw heb wres na haul yn taro
  Ni(s) dichon byd â'i holl deganau
  O! ddedwydd awr tragwyddol orffwys
  O! ddedwydd ddydd tragwyddol orffwys
  Pechadur aflan yw fy enw
  Rhyfedd rhyfedd gan angylion

If one must face the rolling river,
  There is One to break
    the force of the water,
Jesus, my faithful High Priest,
  Who has a certain, sure grasp;
In his embrace I may shout "Victory!"
  Over death, hell, world, and grave,
Eternally being without the will to sin,
  Glorious in his likeness.

[It is sweet to remember the covenant,
  Yonder which was made
    by the Three in One;
Eternal gazing on the Person,
  Who took on himself the nature of man:
While fulfilling the terms,
  Very sad as far as death his soul was;
Here is the song of the sevenscore thousand
  The other side of the curtain
    with a joyful shout.]

To live with neither heat nor sun beating,
  To live without being able to die any more,
Every kind of grief having faded,
  Nothing but love for a fatal wound;
To swim in the pure river of life,
  Endless peace of the holy Three,
Under the cloudless radiance
  Of the precious death of Calvary.

- - - - -
If one must face the rolling river, There is One to break the force of the flood, Jesus, my faithful High Priest, That is enough forever for me; In his blood I may shout "Victory!" Over death, hell, world, and the grave, Eternity forever without sinning, Glorious in his likeness. Instead of carrying a body of corruption, Entering with the choir fiery above; To endless wonders, Of the savlation of Calvary; Living to see the invisible, who died, and who lives again; Eternal, inseparable union, And fellowship with my God. There I will get to exalt the Person Whom God gave as an Atonment, Without pretending, curtain, or covering, For my soul fully in his image; In the company of the mystery, Revealed in his wound, Adoring the Son for an eternity without loosing sight of him any more! O to continue to drink highly, Of the streams of the great salvation; Until my thirst is wholly quenched, For the evanescent things of below; Living while waiting for my Lord, Being, when he comes, very watchful: To open to him immediately, And to possess his image fully. The world with all its trinkets does not suffice To satisfy my affections now, What has been won, and has been expanded, In the nest of the strength of my great Lord; He, no less, can fill them, Although being incomprehensible God; Oh, to gaze upon his person, The wonder of all wonders it is. Oh, that we may spend our days IN a life of exalting his blood; Hiding quietly under his shadow, Living and dying at his feet; Carrying the cross, and continuing to lift it, Since it is the cross of my Own one, Finding my interest in his person, And worshipping him, my GOD.
tr. 2008,10,15 Richard B Gillion
Must I face the stormy river?
tr. H A Hodges 1905-76

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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