Os rhaid croesi glyn marwolaeth

(Iesu'n Gyfaill yn y Glyn)
Os rhaid croesi glyn marwolaeth
  Lle diffygiodd lawer un,
O! fy enaid, paid ag ofni -
  Daw dy Brynwr yno'i hun:
    Iesu'n Gyfaill
  Ddeil bererin yn y glyn!

Cwyd dy hwyliau yn ddibryder:
  Ti gei'r awel o dy du;
Er ei dyfned yr Iorddonen,
  Ac er fod y nos yn ddu,
    Iesu'n Gyfaill
  Ddwg i'r hafan
        deulu Duw!
Tôn [878747]:
Ardudwy (John Roberts 1822-77)
Argoed (John Gabriel 1844-1913)
(Jesus as a Friend in the Vale)
If one must cross the vale of death
  Where many a one failed,
O, my soul, do not fear! -
  Thy Redeemer himself shall come:
    Jesus as a Friend
  Shall uphold pilgrims in the vale!

Raise thy sails fearlessly:
  Thou shalt get the breeze on thy side;
Despite how deep is the Jordan,
  And despite the night's being black,
    Jesus as a Friend
  Shall bring to the harbour
        the family of God!
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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