Os trwy drallodion lawer iawn

(Nerth yn ol y dydd)
Os trwy drallodion lawer iawn
  Mae myn'd i derynas nef,
Mi ganaf ynddynt oll i gyd,
  Ond cael ei wenau Ef.

Fe'm dygodd eisioes yn y blaen,
  Trwy 'stormydd fwy na rhif;
Ac er mor wan, wyf hyd yn hyn
  Heb soddi yn y llif.

Os bydd y rhan sy'n ol o'm taith
  Yn awrach nag o'r blaen,
Mae gras fy Nuw yn ddigon im'
  Yn nghanol dwfr a than.
Ail Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau a 1879

Tôn [MC 8686]: Westminster (James Turle 1802-82)

(Strength after the day)
If through very many troubles
  Is going to the kingdom of heaven,
I will sing in them all together,
  But get His smiles.

He has already drawn me forwards,
  Through storms more than number;
And although so weak, I have not thus far
  Sunk in the flood.

If the part that remains of my journey is
  Rougher than before,
The grace of my God is sufficient for me
  In the midst of water and fire.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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