Os ywt yn caru'th blant

(Yn foreu tyr'd i'r Ysgol Sul)
Os ywt yn caru'th blant,
  A thyner galon tad;
Os ewyllysi ar i Dduw
  Barhau yn Dduw dy had;
O! gwrando ar y llais
  Sy'n galw yn ddidaw -
Yn foreu tur'd i'rYsgol Sul,
  A'r Beibl yn dy law.

Os wyt yn caru dyn -
  Os wyt yn teimlo sel
Tros addysg a oleua'r ffordd
  Ymlaen i'r byd a ddel -
Os credaist fod y bedd
  Yn ddô i fywyd draw,
Yn foreu tyr'd i'r Ysgol Sul,
  A'r Beibl yn dy law.

Os wyt yn caru Duw,
  A'i achos yn y byd;
Os hoffet weled dynolryw
  Dan faner Crist ynghyd;
A gweled goleu wawr
  Trwy wyll
      y byd a ddaw,
Yn foreu tyr'd i'r Ysgol Sul,
  A'r Beibl yn dy law.
John Ceiriog Hughes (Ceiriog) 1832-87

Tonau [MBD 6686D]:
    Amana (J H Roberts 1848-1924)
    Bonar (C H Steggall 1826-1905)
    Yn foreu tyr'd i'r Ysgol Sul (D Lewis)

(In the morning come to the Sunday School)
If thou art loving thy children,
  With a tender father's heart;
If thou dost will for God
  To continue as the God of thy seed;
O listen to the voice
  Which is calling insistently -
In the morning come to the Sunday School,
  With the Bible in thy hand!

If thou art loving man -
  If thou art feeling zeal
For education and the lighting of the way
  Forward into the world to come -
If thou hast believed that the grave is
  A door to life beyond,
In the morning come to the Sunday School,
  With the Bible in thy hand!

If thou art loving God,
  And his cause in the world;
If thou wouldst like to see humankind
  Under the banner of Christ together;
And see the light of dawn
  Through the twilight
      of the world to come,
In the morning come to the Sunday School,
  With the Bible in thy hand!
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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