Os yw'th degwch Iesu yma
Os yw tegwch d'ŵyneb yma

Os yw tegwch d'ŵyneb yma 
  Yn rhoi myrdd i'th garu nawr,
Beth a wna dy degwch hyfryd
  Yna'n nhragwyddoldeb mawr?
    Nef y nefoedd 
  A'th ryfedda fyth heb drai.

Pa fath uchder fydd i'm cariad,
  Pa fath syndod y pryd hyn,
Pryd y gwelwyf dy ogoniant
  Perffaith, llawn ar Seion fryn?
  O bob tegwch maith yn un.

Pa feddyliau uwch eu deall
  A gaf ynof fi fy hun
Wrth ystyried bod y Duwdod
  Perffaith, pur a minnau'n un?
    Dyma gwlwm
  Nad oes iaith a'i dyd i maes.

Cwlwm wnaed yn nhragwyddoldeb,
  Sicir, cadarn, mawr ei rym;
Ni all myrddiwn o flynyddoedd
  Dorri hwn, na'i ddatod ddim:
    Gwna, fe bery
  Tra parhao Duw mewn bod.

C'lymau natur oll a friwir,
  A'i chyfreithiau ânt yn ddim;
Ond fy undeb i â'i nefoedd
  Sydd yn llawr mwy ei rym:
  Yw yn hollol fel fy Nuw.

Nis gall einioes, nis gall angeu,
  Nis gall angel cadarn cry',
Cerubim, nac awdurdodau,
  Na holl luoedd nefoedd fry,
    I'm gwahanu,
  Fythoedd fyth o'i gariad ef.
tegwch d'ŵyneb :: 'th degwch, Iesu,
garu nawr :: garu'n awr

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787447]:
Alma (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Bryntirion (A H T Lutteroth 1802-89)
Frankfort (P Nicolai 1556-1608)
Peniel (alaw Gymreig)

If the comeliness of thy face here is
  Causing a myriad to love thee now,
What will thy lovely fairness do
  There in the great eternity?
    The heaven of heavens
  Will wonder at thee forever without waning.

What kind of height will love me forever,
  What kind of surprise at that time,
When I see thy glory
  Perfect, full on Zion hill?
  Of every vast comeliness the same.

What thoughts above their understanding
  Will I have within myself
While considering the being of Godhead
  Perfect, pure and I the same?
    Here is a knot
  Which no language can set forth.

A knot made in eternity,
  Secure, firm, of great strength;
Not all the myriads of the years
  Can cut this, nor undo it at all:
    It will, it will endure
  While God continues in being.

All the ties of nature will be broken,
  And its laws will go to nothing;
But my union with the heavens
  Is of much more force:
  It is completely like my God.

A lifetime cannot, nor can death,
  Nor can a firm, strong angel,
Cherubim, nor authorities,
  Nor all the hosts of heaven above,
    Separate me,
  Ever, ever from his love.
the comeliness of thy face :: thy comeliness, Jesus,

tr. 2009,10 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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