Pa beth a dalwn i'n Duw da?

What shall we offer our good Lord?

(Gweddi am Lwyddiant)
Pa beth a dalwn i'n Duw da,
  Dylodion, am ei ryfedd ras?
Ein dawn helaethaf byth ni wna
  Fynegu'n llawn ei glod i maes.

O agor ddôr, i draethu d'air, 
  Nas gall pyrth uffern
    byth ei gau!
Rhifedi'th bobol amlhaer,
  A dyro lwyddiant i barhau. 

Bendithia had yr hauwr, Ior, 
  Boed ffrwythau addas
    yn mhob lle;
Anfon dy air o fôr i fôr, 
  Aed i bob ardal
    îs y ne'.

Doed pawb, mewn perffaith gariad gwiw,
  I ganmol rhinwedd marwol glwy',
Sefyll yn nhemel fawr ein Duw 
  'N golofnau, heb fyn'd allan mwy.
cyf. Hymnau (Wesleyaidd) 1844

Tôn [MH 8888]: Weimar (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)

(Prayer for Success)
What shall we pay to our good God,
  Poor things, for his wonderful grace?
Our most plenteous gift will
  Express fully his praise henceforth.

Oh open a door, to expound thy word,
  Which the gates of hell
    will never be able to shut!
May the number of thy people abound,
  And give success to continue.

Bless the sower's seed, Lord,
  May corresponding fruits be
    in every place;
Send thy word from sea to sea,
  May it go to every region
    under the heaven.

May everyone come, worthy in perfect love,
  To praise the virtue of a mortal wound,
And stand in the great temple of our God
  As columns, without going out any more.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
What shall we offer our good Lord,
  Poor nothings! for His boundless grace!
Fain would we His great Name record,
  And worthily set forth His praise.

[Great object of our growing love,
  To whom our more than all we owe,
Open the fountain from above,
  And let it our full souls o'erflow.

So shall our lives Thy power proclaim,
  Thy grace for every sinner free;
Till all mankind shall learn Thy Name,
  Shall all stretch out
    their hands to Thee.]

Open a door which earth and hell
  May strive to shut,
    but strive in vain;
Let Thy Word richly in us dwell,
  And let our gracious fruit remain.

O multiply the sower's seed!
  And fruit
    we every hour shall bear,
Throughout the world Thy Gospel spread,
  Thy everlasting truth

We all, in perfect love renewed,
  Shall know the greatness of Thy power;
Stand in the temple of our God,
  As pillars, and go out no more.
John Wesley 1703-91
  High on His everlasting throne
from the German
  Der König ruht und schauet doch
Augustus G Spangenberg 1704-92

Duke St (John Hatton 1710-93)
St Vincent (Kemble's "New Church Hymn Book" 1875)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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