Pa beth ydyw'r canu melysber?

Pa beth ydyw'r canu melysber,
  A glywaf yn uchder y nef?
Pwy ydyw'r cerddorion uwch daear,
  Mor seingar a llafar eu llef?
Cydganodd sêr
    bore'r greadigaeth
  Eu llafar buroriaeth yn llon,
Ond nid mor nefolaidd, pe'i clywsem,
  Nac eilfydd eu hanthem i hon.

Côr nef yn emynu caniadau,
  A'u cariad a'u doniau yn dân;
Nadolig y Bachgen tragwyddol
  Yw testun eu carol a'u cân:
"Gogoniant i Dduw'n y goruchaf,
  Y nefol sancteiddiaf Dri'n Un,
Ewyllys da'r Arglwydd maddeugar,
  A hedd ar y ddaear i ddyn."

Cydunwn, blant
    Eglwys Gaersalem,
  Yn anthem bêr
      Bethlem bob un,
Rhyfeddwn sancteiddiaf ddyfodiad
  Ein Ceidwad yn Dduw ac yn Ddyn;
Ei neges oedd dwyn y pechadur
  O gyflwr ei natur i'r nef;
Ein hannwyl eneiniog Achubwr,
  Yr Iesu Waredwr yw ef.

Disgynodd o'r nef a'i mwynderau
  I fyd y gofidiau o'i fodd;
Rhoes heibio'i ogoniant difrychau,
  Ac yn y cadachau ymdôdd:
Bwriadai mewn arfaeth dragywydd
  Ein gwared o'n
      cystudd a'n cam;
O! gwel Ef mor ddiddig, mor addfwyn,
  Ar liniau y Forwyn y Fam!

I'r ddaear o ganol angylion
  Gostynga'i olygon i lawr,
O ddymuniad i wneud ei phreswylwyr
  Iddo'i Hunan yn frodyr ryw awr;
Ymwelai â'n daear yn ddirgel
  Yn rhith a dull
      angel ein Duw;
O'r diwedd Fe ddaeth yn ein natur
  Yn Frawd at ei frodyr i fyw.

Nid byth yn nhref
    Bethle'm y trigi,
  Rhaid iddi, Grist,
      golli'th deg wedd;
Rhaid it' gerdded o amgylch yn ddiwyd
  Nes myned o'r bywyd i'r bedd:
Gwna 'nghalon yn gartre' trag'wyddol,
  Yn drigfa feunyddiol, fy Nuw,
Na ad fy serchiadau'n amddifaid,
  Na symmud o f'enaid i fyw.
buroriaeth :: beroriaeth
Ewyllys da'r Arglwydd :: 'Wyllys da'r Hollalluog
y Fam :: ei Fam

Morris Williams (Nicander) 1809-74

Tonau [9898D]:
  Melysber (<1962)
  Mynwy (David Evans 1874-1948)
  Pa Beth ydyw'r Canu Melusber?
    (1897 D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)

What is the sweet singing,
  I hear in the height of heaven?
Who are the musicians above the earth,
  So tuneful and loud their voice?
The stars of the morning
    of creation chorussed,
  Their loud, sweet music cheerfully,
But not so heavenly as, if I could hear,
  Nor comparable their anthem to this.

The choir of heaven hymning songs,
  With their love and their gifts a fire;
The Nativity of the eternal Son
  Is the theme of their carol and their song:
"Glory to God in the highest,
  The heavenly, holiest Three in One,
The good will of the forgiving Lord,
  And peace on the earth to men."

Let us join, children of
    the Church of Jerusalem,
  In the sweet anthem
      of Bethlehem, every one,
Let us wonder at the holiest coming
  Of our Saviour as God and as Man;
His mission was to bring the sinner
  From the condition of his nature to heaven;
Our beloved, anointed Rescuer,
  Jesus the Deliverer is he.

He descended from heaven with his meeknesses
  To the world of griefs voluntarily;
He laid aside his spotless glory,
  And in nappies he was moulded:
He would intend in an eternal scheme
  To deliver us from our
      affliction and our mistake;
O see him to calm, so gentle,
  On the knees of the Virgin the Mother!

To the earth from amongst angels
  He bowed his sight down,
From a wish to make its residents
  Brothers to Himself some hour;
He would visit our earth secretly
  In the guise and mode
      of an angel of our God;
End the end He came in our nature
  As a Brother to his brothers to live.

Not forever in the town
    of Bethlehem to dwell,
  Thou hadst to, Christ,
      lose thy fair countenance;
Thou hadst to walk around diligently
  Until going from life to the grave:
Make my heart an eternal hme,
  A daily dwelling, my God,
Do not leave my defenceless affections,
  Nor move from my soul to live.
The good will of the ... Lord :: The good will of the ... Almighty
the Mother :: his Mother

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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