Pa beth yw'r golau mawr a glân Uwch llewyrch haul y nef? Pa beth yw sŵn yr hyfryd gân Gerllaw hen Fethle'm dref? Angylion nef a ddaeth i lawr O lys yr uchel Dduw, I ddatgan geni Ceidwad mawr, I achub dynol ryw. A dyna'r gân – "Na foed i'ch bron Un ofn ar hyn o bryd, Mynegi 'rwyf newyddion llon A berthyn i'r holl fyd, Cans ganwyd Ceidwad teg ei wedd Yn ninas Dafydd wiw, Yr hwn yw Crist" – hardd Frenin hedd A Mab y bythol Dduw. A hyn yw'r arwydd wrth ba un Y gwelwch Faban Iôr, Mae wedi ei rwymo'n wael ei lun A'i ben ar wellt y côr: Efe yw'r gwaelaf yn y dref, Ni welwyd neb mor dlawd, Er hyn i gyd mae'n Frenin nef, Mae'n Dduw er bod mewn cnawd. Ar hyn dyrchafodd lleisiau fil Yn gydgor fwyn i'r gân, O gariad at y ddynol hil A mawl i'r Baban glân; "Gogoniant yn yr uchel nef I'r Duwdod mawr ei hun, Tangnefedd ar y ddaear gref, Ewyllys da i ddyn." I Faban Mair, a ddaeth yn dlawd Er dwyn in' olud nef; – I'r unig Dduw a ddaeth mewn cnawd, Dyrchafwn ninnau lef O fawl – a rhoddwn goron cân Yn barchus ar ei ben, Mae'n haeddu y gogoniant glân A'r moliant byth – Amen.John Williams (Ab Ithel) 1811-62 Tôn [MCD 8686D]: Glan Camlad (traddodiadol) |
What is the great and holy light Above the brightness of heaven's sun? What is the sound of the delightful song Near the old town of Bethlehem? The angels of heaven have come down From the court of the high God, To declare the birth of a great Saviour, To save human kind. And this is the song - "May your breast not be A fearful one at this time, I am expressing cheerful news Which belongs to the whole world, Since a Saviour of fair countenance was born In the the worthy city of David, He is the Christ" - the beautiful King of peace And the Son of the everlasting God. And this is the sign by which You shall see the Baby Lord, He is bound in a lowly appearance With his head on the straw of the stall: He is the lowliest in the town, None was seen so poor, Despite all this his is the King of heaven, He is God although in flesh. Therefore a thousand voices were raised As a dear chorus to the song, Of love to the human race And praise to the holy Baby; "Glory in the high heaven To the great Trinity itself, Peace on the strong earth, Good will to man." To Mary's Baby, who became poor In order to bring us heaven's wealth; - To the only God who came in flesh, Let us too raise a cry Of praise - and let us put a crown of praise Reverently on his head, He deserves the holy glory And the praise forever - 2023 Richard B Gillion |