Pa beth yw'r mawl a'r canu mwyn Cyn toriad gwawr y dydd? Newyddion da sy'n cael eu dwyn Fod dyn yn awr yn rhydd. Ymunwn ninnau yma nawr Ar gyhoedd yn y gân, A seiniwn fwyn Hosanna fawr O glod i'r Baban, i'r Baban glân. Dros lawer blwydd bu disgwyl blin Am weld y dwyfol Air; Wel dacw'r Baban bach ar lin Y fwynaidd Forwyn Fair. Mae Bethlem dir yn olau dân O naws gogoniant nef, A'r lle i gyd yn llawn o gân Yn dweud ei gariad ef. Hwn ydyw dwyfol had y wraig Addawyd fore'r byd; Daeth i ysigo pen y ddraig, A'r preseb yw ei grud. Efe yw'r Proffwyd, ef yw'r Sant, Gogoniant Israel Duw, Efe yw Prynwr mawr ei blant A Christ yr Arglwydd yw. Gadawodd wlad y nefol wledd, Yr ardal brydferth fry, A daeth i boen, a'i daith i'r bedd, I'n dwyn yn ôl i'w dŷ. Pan oedd bugeiliaid ar y rhos Yn gwylio'u defaid claf, Yn olau nawn y daeth liw nos A'r gaeaf droes yn haf. Tywynnai seren uwch y dref Fel lamp yn nhemel Duw I ddatgan geni Brenin nef Yn Geidwad dynol-ryw. Ehedai engyl disglair Iôn I lawr ar Fethlem dref, A chanent ar soniarus dôn Ei gân Nadolig ef. Gogoniant yn yr uchel sedd I enw mawr ein Duw, Ac ar y ddaear hyfryd hedd O ras i ddynol-ryw.John Williams (Ab Ithel) 1811-62 [Mesur: MCD 8686D] |
What is the praise and the lovely singing Before the break of the dawn of the day? Good news that is being brought That man is now free. Let us too join here now Publicly in the song, And let us sound a great lovely Hosanna Of acclaim to the Baby, to the holy Baby. Over many a year there was weary waiting To see the divine Word; See yonder is the little Baby on the knee Of the gentle Virgin Mary. The land of Bethlehem is lit with fire From the touch of the glory of heaven, And all the place is full of song Telling his love. He is the divine see of the woman Promised in the world's morning; He came to crush the head of the dragon, And the manger is his cradle. He is the Prophet, he is the Holy One, The Glory of the Israel of God, He is the great Redeemer of his children And Christ the Lord is he. He left the land of the heavenly feast, The beautiful region above, And came to pain, and his journey to the grave, To bring us back to his house. When shepherds were on the heath Watching over their sick sheep, Afternoon light the dark night became And the winter turned into summer. Stars above the town shone Like a lamp in the temple of God To announce the birth of the King of heaven As the Saviour of human-kind. The radiant angels of the Lord flew Down upon the town of Bethlehem, And sang to a resounding tune His Nativity song. Glory in the high throne To the great name of our God, And on the earth the delightful peace Of grace to 2023 Richard B Gillion |