Pa [bynag rai / rai bynag] yn Nuw yr Ion

Pa rai bynag, yn Nuw yr Ion
  Sy gyfion, llawenychwch:
I bawb y sydd yn iawn yn byw,
  Gweddas yw dïolchgarwch.

Cenwch i'r ION fawl a mawrhad,
  Wiw gerdd o ganiad newydd;
Cenwch iddo yn llafar glod,
  Bid parod eich lleferydd.

Am mai uniawn ydyw ei air,
  Ffyddlawn y cair ei weithred:
Barn a chyfiawnder Ef a'u câr,
  A'r ddaear llawn o'i nodded.

Gair yr Arglwydd a wnaeth y nef,

  A'i Ysbryd Ef ei lluoedd:

Casglai Efe ynghyd y môr,

  A'i drysor yw'r dyfnderoedd.

Pa rai bynag :: Pa bynag rai

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tôn [MS 8787]: Caergybi (John Jeffreys 1718-98)

  Rhan II - Cynghor yr Arglwydd yn ddilyth
  Cenwch i'r Ior fawl a mawrhâd
  O'r nefoedd fry yr edrych Duw

(Psalm 33)
Whoever, in God the Lord,
  Are righteous, rejoice ye:
To all who are living aright,
  Appropriate is thanksgiving.

Sing ye to the Lord praise and exaltation,
  The worthy music of a new song;
Sing ye to him loud acclaim,
  May your speech be ready.

Because upright is his word,
  Faithful is his action found to be:
Judgment and justice he does love them,
  And the earth is full of his protection.

'Tis the word of the Lord that made heaven,

  And his Spirit its hosts:

He gathered together the sea,

  And his treasure the depths are.


tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

1 Let all the just to God with joy
    their cheerful voices raise,
  For well the righteous it becomes
    to sing glad songs of praise.

2 Let harps, and psalteries, and lutes
    in joyful concert meet,
3 And new-made songs of loud applause
    the harmony complete.

4 For faithful is the word of God,
    his works with truth abound;
5 He justice loves, and all the earth
    is with his goodness crowned.

6 By his Almighty word at first
    heav'ns glorious arch was reared,
  And all the beauteous hosts of light
    at this command appeared.

7 The swelling floods, together rolled,
    he makes in heaps to lie;
  And lays, as in a storehouse safe,
    the wat'ry treasures by.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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