Pa deilwng glod a gawn ni ddwyn?

What equal honours shall we bring?

(Ymostyngiad a dyrchafiad Crist)
Pa deilwng glod a gawn ni ddwyn,
I'r Iesu gwiw, ein Harglwydd mwyn;
  Pan y mae cân angylion nef,
  Mor bell islaw ei haeddiant ef.

Teilwng yw hardd Dywysog hedd,
Gas gynt ei ladd,
    a'i roi'n y bedd;
  Teilwng i adgyfodi a byw
  Mewn mawredd ar ddeheulaw Duw.

Caiff fythol barch
    o hyn i maes,
Yn lle'r drwg air
    a'r gwawd a gas;
  Caiff ar ei ben ogoniant glân,
  A choron ddysglaer heb un draen.

              - - - - -

Pa deilwng glod a gawn ni ddwyn,
I'r Oen, ein Duw, a'n Harglwydd mwyn,
  Pan y mae cân angelion nef,
  Mor bell islaw ei enw ef.

Teilwng yw Ef, Tywysog hedd,
Ga'dd gynt ei ladd
    a'i roi'n y bedd;
  Teilwng i adgyfodi a byw,
  Teyrnasu ar ddeheulaw Duw.

Nerth ac Arglwyddiaeth teilwng y'nt,
I'r hwn gan Bilat farnwyd gynt;
  Ac iddo perthyn doethder dawn,
  Er gyhuddo o
      ynfydrwydd llawn.

Fe biau cyfoeth nef a llawr,
Er iddo oddef colled mawr;
  Rhowch iddo'r gallu
      o oes i oes,
  Ei wendid, gad'wodd ar y groes.

Caiff fythol barch
    o hyn i ma's,
Yn lle'r drwg air
    a'r gwawd a ga's;
  Caiff ar ei ben ogoniant glân,
  A choron ddisglaer heb un dra'n.

Bendithion byth ar ben yr Oen,
Aeth dan ein melldith ni a'n poen;
  Moled angelion Ef uwch ben,
  A d'weded pob rhyw ddyn, Amen.
cyf. John Hughes 1776-1843
Psalmau Dafydd 1775

Tonau [MH 8888]:
St Elizabeth (<1875)
St Gregory (Johann B König 1691-1758)

(The humbling and exalting of Christ)
What fitting praise we will get to bring,
To the worthy Jesus, our gentle Lord,
  When the song of the angels of heaven is,
  So far below his merit.

Worthy is the beautiful Prince of peace,
Who got once slain
    and put in the grave;
  Worthy to rise again and live,
  In majesty at the right hand of God.

He will get everlasting
    reverence from now on,
Instead of the evil word
    and the mockery he got;
  He will get on his head pure glory,
  And a radiant crown without any thorn.
                 - - - - -

What worthy praise we will get to bring,
To the Lamb, our God, and our gentle Lord,
  When the song of the angels of heaven is,
  So far below his name.

Worthy is He, the Prince of peace,
Who got once slain
    and put in the grave;
  Worthy to rise again and live,
  To reign at the right hand of God.

Strength and Lordship are worthy
Of him who was once judged by Pilate;
  And to him belongs the gift of wisdom,
  Despite being accused of
      being full of madness.

To owns the wealth of heaven and earth,
Despite his suffering great loss;
  Render ye to him the power
      from age to age,
  His weakness he left on the cross.

He will get everlasting
    reverence from now on,
Instead of the evil word
    and the mockery he got;
  He will get on his head pure glory,
  And a radiant crown without any thorn.

Blessings forever on the head of the Lamb,
Who went under our curse and our pain;
  Let angels praise him over head,
  And let every sort of man say, Amen.
tr. 2016,21 Richard B Gillion
(Christ's Humiliation and Exaltation)
What equal honours shall we bring
  To Thee, O Lord our God, the Lamb,
When all the notes that angels sing
  Are far inferior to Thy name?

Worthy is He that once was slain,
  The Prince of Peace
      that groaned and died;
Worthy to rise, and live, and reign
  At His almighty Father's side.

Honour immortal
    must be paid,
  Instead of scandal
      and of scorn;
While glory shines around His head,
  And a bright crown without a thorn.
              - - - - -

What equal honours shall we bring
  To Thee, O Lord our God, the Lamb,
When all the notes that angels sing
  Are far inferior to Thy name?

Worthy is He that once was slain,
  The Prince of Peace
      that groaned and died;
Worthy to rise, and live, and reign
  At His almighty Father's side.

Power and dominion are his due,
Who stood condemn'd at Pilate's bar:
  Wisdom belongs to Jesus too,
  Through he was charg'd
      with madness there.

All riches are his native right,
Yet he sustain'd amazing loss:
  To him ascribe
      eternal might,
  Who left his weakness on the cross.

Honour immortal
    must be paid,
  Instead of scandal
      and of scorn;
While glory shines around His head,
  And a bright crown without a thorn.

Blessings forever on the Lamb
  Who bore the curse for wretched men;
Let angels sound His sacred name,
  And every creature say, Amen.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [LM 8888]: Missionary Chant
    (Heinrich Christoph Zeuner 1795-1857)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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