Pa dryma'r groes i'n hoes o hyd

(Croesau yn fendith i'r Saint)
Pa dryma'r groes i'n hoes o hyd,
  Melysaf fydd y nef;
Pa boetha'r rhyfel, ucha'r gân
  A seinir iddo Ef.
Da yw i'r duwiol, yn ddilyth,
  Holl droion nefoedd wen:
Caiff Jacob rodio'n gloff o'u glun,
  A'r fendith ar ei ben.

Os ceisiwn bethau uwch y byd,
  Tra pery dyddiau'n hoes,
Y chwerwaf gwpan melys fydd,
  Ac ysgafn fydd y groes.
Ar fore'r farn
    daw'r yrfa oll
  Yn amlwg iawn heb len;
Caiff Jacob rodio'n ddisgoff byth,
  A'r fendith ar ei ben.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [MCD 8686D]: Lebanon (<1876)

(Crosses a blessing to the Saints)
The heavier the cross during our lifespan,
  The sweeter will be heaven;
The hotter the war, the louder the song
  Which will be sounded unto Him.
Good are for the godly, unfailingly,
  All the turns of bright heaven:
Jacob will get to walk lame from his thigh,
  With the blessing on his head.

If we seek things above the world,
  While the days of our lifespan endure,
The bitterest cup will be sweet,
  And light will be the cross.
On the morn of judgment
    all the crowd will come
  Very evidently without a curtain;
Jacob will get to walk lame from his thigh,
  With the blessing on his head.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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