Pa fodd mae im' Ei ddilyn Ef?

How shall I follow Him I serve?

(Codi'r Groes)
Pa fodd mae im' Ei ddilyn Ef
  A biau 'nghariad a fy ngwaith?
A mynd yn ôl Ei draed i'r nef,
  Heb golli un o'r camrau chwaith?

Heb esmwyth fyd, heb gartref cain,
  Yn ddirmygedig, tlawd a thrist:
Drwy gusan brad,
    a choron ddrain -
  Ai dyma'r ffordd i ganlyn Crist?

Os rhaid im' fynd drwy lawer loes,
  O Arglwydd, cymorth fi i'w dwyn:
A gad im' edrych ar Dy groes,
  Ac wrth y groes anghofio 'nghwyn.

Ai ni wnest Ti, o ddydd i ddydd,
  Ymwadu â phleserau'n llwyr,
Mewn ympryd, nychdod, pryder prudd,
  Dan wres y dydd,
      a gwlith yr hwyr?

I fyw a marw er fy mwyn
  Y daethost, nid i gael mwynhad!
Ai ni chaf fi anghofio swyn
  Y ddaear yn Dy gariad rhad?
cyf. E Keri Evans 1860-1941

Tôn [MH 8888]: Eden (T B Mason 1801-61)

(Taking up the Cross)
How am I to follow Him
  Who owns my love and my work?
And go after His footprints to heaven,
  Without losing one of the steps either?

Without a smooth world, without a fine home,
  Scorned, poor and sad:
Through a treacherous kiss,
    and a crown of thorns -
  Is this the way to follow Christ?

If I must go through much anguish,
  O Lord, help me to take it:
And let me look upon Thy cross,
  And by the cross forget my complaint.

Didst Thou not, from day to day,
  Renounce pleasures completely,
In fasting, languor, sad anxiety,
  Under the heat of the day,
      and dew of the evening?

To live and die for my sake
  Thou camest, not to get enjoyment!
Shall I not forget the enchantment
  Of the earth in Thy free love?
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion
How shall I follow Him I serve?
  How shall I copy Him I love?
Not from the blessèd footsteps swerve,
  Which lead me to His seat above?

Privations, sorrows, bitter scorn,
  The life of toil, the mean abode,
The faithless kiss,
    the crown of thorn,
  Are these the consecrated road?

Lord, should my path through suffering lie
  Forbid it I should e'er repine;
Still let me turn to Calvary,
  Nor heed my griefs, remembering Thine.

O let me think how Thou didst leave
  Untasted every pure delight,
To fast, to faint, to watch, to grieve,
  The toilsome day,
      the homeless night.

To faint, to grieve, to die for me!
  Thou camest, not Thyself to please;
And, dear as earthly comforts be,
  Shall I not love Thee more than these?
1824 Josiah Conder 1789-1855

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Alsace (arr. from Beethoven 1770-1827)
Germany (William Gardiner 1770-1853)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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