Pa fodd y ceidw ie'nctyd gwag?

How shall the young secure their hearts?

(Addysg y Bibl)
Pa fodd y ceidw ie'nctyd gwag
  Eu bywyd rhag pob pechod?
Dy air sydd reol bur o'u blaen,
  I gadw glân gydwybod.

Pan êl i mewn i'r meddwl d'air,
  Rhydd hwn fath ddysclaer olau;
Caiff enaid gwaelaf addysg wiw,
  A chwyd at Dduw 'feddyliau.

Mae fel yr haul a'i olau sydd
  Ar hyd y dydd i'n t'wyso;
A'r nos, trwy bob peryglon blin,
  Fel llusern i'n goleuo.

Sawl sy'n myfyrio yn dy air,
  A'i gadw, cair e'n ddoethach
Nâ'i holl athrawon, sicir yw,
  Mae'n 'nabod Duw'n rhagorach.

D'orch'mynion, gwnant fi'n ddoeth yn wir
  Ffyrdd anwir a ffieiddiais;
Meddyliau ofer, câs gan i,
  Dy gyfraith di a hoffais.

I'th reol ufyddhau mae'r ne',
  A chadw'i lle mae'r ddae'ren;
A rhai'n, dy weision, ddydd a nos,
  Sy'n ddangos d'allu cywren.

Ond etto'th ddeddf a'th 'fengyl di
  Mae amgen wersi ganddynt;
Nid sicrach saf
    y ddae'r nâ'th air,
  Nid sêr mor ddysclaer ydynt.

Dy air di sy drag'wyddol wir,
  Pob rhan sy bur di wamal;
Mewn ie'nctyd ein hyfforddwr yw,
  A thra fo'm byw fe'n cynnal.
o'u blaen :: o'n blaen
i'n t'wyso :: i'n fforddio
i'n goleuo :: i'n cyf'rwyddo

cyf. Swp o Ffigys 1825

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Abermawddach (<1825)
Bunfield (<1825)
Cannon Street (<1825)
Priestley (<1825)

(The Teaching of the Bible)
How shall vain youth keep
  Their life from every sin?
Thy word is a pure before them
  To keep a clean conscience.

When thy word goes into the mind,
  It gives that such a radiant light;
The poorest souls gets worthy teaching,
  And lifts to God its thoughts.

It is like the sun, whose light is
  All day long to lead us;
And by night, through all grievous perils,
  Like a lantern to give us light.

One who meditates on thy word,
  Shall be kept, he shall get wiser,
Than all his teachers, it is certain,
  He is knowing God more excellently.

Thy commands, they make me wise truly
  False ways I detested;
Vain thoughts, hated by me,
  Thy law I have loved.

To thy rule obedient is heaven,
  And keeping its place is the earth;
And it is they, thy servants, day and night,
  Who are showing thy intricate power.

But still thy law and thy gospel
  There is need of lessons from them;
The earth shall not stand
    more secure than thy word,
  Nor are stars as radiant.

Thy word is eternally true,
  Every part is pure, unwavering;
In youth our instructor it is,
  And while ever we live it upholds us.
before them :: before us
to lead us :: to prepare a way for us
to give us light :: to instruct us

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

How shall the young secure their hearts
  And guard their lives from sin?
Thy Word the choicest rules imparts
  To keep the conscience clean.

When once it enters to the mind,
  It spreads such light abroad,
The meanest souls instruction find,
  And raise their thoughts to God.

'Tis, like the sun, a heav'nly light
  That guides us all the day,
And through the dangers of the night
  A lamp to lead our way.

The men that keep Thy law with care,
  And meditate Thy Word,
Grow wiser than their teachers are,
  And better know the Lord.

Thy precepts make me truly wise:
  I hate the sinner's road;
I hate my own vain thoughts that rise,
  But love Thy law, my God.

The starry heav'ns Thy rule obey,
  The earth maintains her place;
And these Thy servants, night and day,
  Thy skill and power express.

But still Thy law and Gospel, Lord,
  Have lessons more divine;
Not earth stands firmer
    than Thy Word,
  Nor stars so nobly shine.

Thy Word is everlasting truth;
  How pure is every page!
That holy Book shall guide our youth
  And well support our age.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748
The Psalms of David 1719

Tune [CM 8686]: St Peter (A R Reinagles 1799-1877)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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