Pa fwyn beroriaeth glywaf draw Yn torri drwy'r distawrwydd? Cyhoedda'r nef mewn cytgan gref, "Fe anwyd Crist yr Arglwydd". Mawl, mawl, doed mawr a mân I eilio cân i'r Baban glân; Mawl, mawl i'r Baban glân A gaed ym Methlem Jiwda. Fe gaed y Ceidwad - diolch byth! Yn ddi-lyth fe'i haddolwn; Ei fawl a'i glod, tra nef yn bod, Mewn nefol hwyl a ganwn. Mawl, mawl! Drwy'r ddaer a'r nen, Boed Ef yn ben, Amen, Amen. Mawl, mawl! Boed Ef yn ben, A gaed ym Methlem Jiwda.John Roberts (Ieuan Gwyllt) 1822-77 Tôn [8787.6867]: Greensleeves (alaw Seisnig) |
What gentle, sweet music do I hear yonder Breaking through the silence? Heaven announces in a strong chorus, "Christ the Lord is born". Praise, praise, let great and small come To compose a song to the holy Baby; Praise, praise, to the holy Baby That is found in Bethlehem of Judea. The Saviour is found - thanks forever! Unfailingly let us worship him; His praise and his acclaim, while ever heaven shall be, In heavenly joy we shall sing. Praise, praise! Throughout the earth and the sky, May he be head, Amen, Amen. Praise, praise! May he be head, Who was found in Bethlehem of 2018 Richard B Gillion |