Pa gynhwrf a pha ruddfan?

(Duw yn gwaredu ei bobl)
  Pa gynhwrf a pha ruddfan,
  Sydd drwy holl faesydd Söan:
Pa dorf yw hon sy'n dod i maes,
  Heb ynddi neb yn egwan?
  Duw Abra'm sydd yn gwared,
  Ei hil o'u blinfyd caled,
A'u dwyn y mae gan ddryllio'r Aipht,
  O'u haiarn bair gaethiwed.

  Pwy rwyga iddi'r dyfroedd,
  Balmanta'r gorddyfnderoedd?
A'u harwain drwy'r anialwch maith,
  Gan borthi eu haml filoedd?
  Ei chymhorth llawn digonol,
  Yw'r Ydwyf mawr trag'wyddol:
I'r Ganaan wiw eu harwain wna,
  Trwy wyrthiau tra rhyfeddol.

  Paham y ciliwch ddyfroedd,
  Y neidiwch chwi fynyddoedd?
Yr wylwch chwithau greigydd hyll,
  Yr anial dir yn llynoedd?
  Onid gweddus i ni barchu,
  Ein Crëwr mewn mawrhydi;
Yn rhodio o flaen ei braidd yn hardd,
  O'r anial dir i fynu?

  I bwy, y bryniau oesol,
  Y plygwch chwi yn drefnol?
A thi Iorddonen gyflawn gref,
  Y rhedi yn dy wrthol?
  I'r hwn sy'n pwyso'r bryniau,
  Fel mân-lwch mewn clorianau;
Ac yn ei law mae'r moroedd mawr,
  A'u 'nysoedd megys brychau.
David Charles 1762-1834

Tôn [7787D]: Bonchurch (<1876)

(God delivering his people)
  What commotion and what groaning,
  Is throughout all the fields of Zoan?
What throng is this which is coming out,
  Without anyone weak in it?
  The God of Abraham is delivering,
  His tribe from their hard tribulation,
And bringing them he is by smashing Egypt,
  From their iron cauldron of captivity.

  Who is rending for her the waters,
  Paving the extreme depths?
And leading them through the vast desert,
  By pasturing their many thousands?
  Her full, sufficient help,
  Is the great, eternal I Am:
To the worthy Canaan lead them he shall do,
  Through such amazing miracles.

  Why do ye retreat, waters,
  And leap, ye mountains?
And watch, ye ugly rocks,
  The desert land become lakes?
  Is is not fitting for us to respect,
  Our Creator in majesty;
Walking before his flock beautifully,
  Up from the desert land?

  To whom, age-old hills,
  Do ye bow orderly?
And thou full, strong Jordan,
  Run backwards?
  To him who is weighing the hills,
  Like fine dust in scales;
In whose hands are the great seas,
  And their islands like spots.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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