("Nesáu at Dduw sy dda i mi.")
RHAN IMae Duw yn llond pob lle
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RHAN II Pa ham y trof yn ffol
At ail achosion mwy?
Mae'r Achos mawr tu ol,
Effeithiau ydynt hwy:
Ar deg a gwlaw, mewn trai a lli,
"Nesáu at Dduw sy dda i mi".
Mewn trallod, at bwy'r âf,
Ar ddiwrnod tywyll du?
Mewn dyfnder, beth a wnaf,
A'r tonnau o'm dau tu?
O fyd! yn awr, beth elli di?
"Nesáu at Dduw sy dda i mi".
Anwadal hynod yw
Gwrthrychau gorau'r byd;
Ei gysur o bob rhyw,
Siomedig yw i gyd;
Rhag twyll ei wên,
a swyn ei fri,
"Nesáu at Dduw sy dda i mi".
David Jones 1805-68
Tonau [666688]:
Alun (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Ramoth (J R Jones)
Mae Duw yn llond pob lle
Mewn trallod at bwy'r âf?
("It is good for me to draw near to God.")
PART 1God is the fullness of every place
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PART 2 Why shall I turn foolishly
To other causes any more?
The great Cause is behind,
They are effects:
On fair and rain, in ebb and flood,
"It is good for me to draw near to God."
In trouble, to whom shall I go,
On the dark, black day?
In depth, what shall I do,
With the waves on both sides of me?
O world, now, what canst thou do?
"It is good for me to draw near to God."
Notably inconstant are
The best objects of the world;
Its comfort of every kind,
Is altogether disappointing;
From the deceit of its smile,
and the charm of its esteem,
"It is good for me to draw near to God."
tr. 2009,11 Richard B Gillion
(Psalm 73:28)