Pa ham y trof yn ffol?

("Nesáu at Dduw sy dda i mi.")
Mae Duw yn llond pob lle

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Pa ham y trof yn ffol At ail achosion mwy? Mae'r Achos mawr tu ol, Effeithiau ydynt hwy: Ar deg a gwlaw, mewn trai a lli, "Nesáu at Dduw sy dda i mi". Mewn trallod, at bwy'r âf, Ar ddiwrnod tywyll du? Mewn dyfnder, beth a wnaf, A'r tonnau o'm dau tu? O fyd! yn awr, beth elli di? "Nesáu at Dduw sy dda i mi". Anwadal hynod yw Gwrthrychau gorau'r byd; Ei gysur o bob rhyw, Siomedig yw i gyd; Rhag twyll ei wên, a swyn ei fri, "Nesáu at Dduw sy dda i mi".
David Jones 1805-68

Tonau [666688]:
Alun (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Ramoth (J R Jones)

  Mae Duw yn llond pob lle
  Mewn trallod at bwy'r âf?

("It is good for me to draw near to God.")
God is the fullness of every place

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Why shall I turn foolishly To other causes any more? The great Cause is behind, They are effects: On fair and rain, in ebb and flood, "It is good for me to draw near to God." In trouble, to whom shall I go, On the dark, black day? In depth, what shall I do, With the waves on both sides of me? O world, now, what canst thou do? "It is good for me to draw near to God." Notably inconstant are The best objects of the world; Its comfort of every kind, Is altogether disappointing; From the deceit of its smile, and the charm of its esteem, "It is good for me to draw near to God."
tr. 2009,11 Richard B Gillion
(Psalm 73:28)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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