(Crist yn Frenin ar Sion) Pa ham y terfysg gwŷr y byd? A pham y cyfyd rhodres? Pa ham mae'r bobloedd yn cyd-wau Yn eu bwriadau diles? Codi y mae breninoedd byd, A'u bryd yn gyd-gyngorol; Yn erbyn Duw a'i Grist (ein plaid) Y mae penaethiaid bydol. Gosodais innau, medd Duw nef, A llaw gref yn dragywydd, Fy Mrenin i, yn llywydd llon, Ar sanctaidd Sion fynydd. Gwas'aethwch chwi yr Arglwydd nef, Ac ofnwch ef trwy gredu; Dysgwch ei garu ef heb lai, A llawenhau dan grynu. Cusenwch Iesu rhag ei ddig, A'ch bwrw'n ffurnig heibio: Bydd gwyn eu byd pob un o'r rhai R'ont eu calonau iddo.Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623 [MS 8787] |
(Christ as King over Zion) Why do the world's men revolt? And why do they raise boasting? Why are the peoples combining In their malign purposes? Rising are their kings of the world, With their conspiratorial intention; Against God and his Christ (our support) Are the worldly chieftains. I have set up, says the Lord God, With a strong hand for eternity, My King, as a cheerful leader, Over holy mount Zion. Serve ye the Sovereign Lord, An fear him through believing; Learn to love him unreservedly And rejoice while trembling. Kiss Jesus to avoid his anger, And his casting you furiously aside: Blessed shall be every one of those Who give their hearts to him.tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion |