Pa ham mewn terfysg yr ymwnâ Iuddewon a Chenedloedd: I gyd-gynghori ' fwrw i lawr Enneiniog mawr y nefoedd? Breninoedd a phenaethiaid byd, Sy'n llunio 'nghyd oferedd: Yn erbyn Duw yn ddi-wahân, A Christ ei lân Etifedd. Yr Arglwydd gwawdieu'u terfysg gref, A'i orsedd ef cynhaliodd: Cyfododd ef o farw i fyw; Ei Fab ef yw addefodd. Yn awr esgynnodd Crist uwch ben, Myn lywio'r ddae'ren isod: Mae'n dadleu'i waed, a'i glodfawr waith, A'i enedigaeth uchod. Mae'n gofyn teyrnas gan y Tad, O werth ei wa'd a'i haeddiant: A'r Tad yn addo iddo hyd Eithafoedd byd yn feddiant. Y bobloedd a'u gwrthsafant 'o, Cânt deimlo'i wialen haiarn: Anrhydedd Duw ei Dad o'r nef Amddiffyn ef yn gadarn. - - - - - Paham mewn terfysg yr ymwnâ Iuddewon a Chenedloedd: I gyd-gynghori ' fwrw i lawr Eneiniog mawr Duw'r nefoedd? Breninoedd a phenaethiaid byd, Sy'n llunio 'nghyd oferedd; Yn erbyn Duw yn ddi-wahân, A Christ ei lân Etifedd. Yr Arglwydd gwawdia'u terfysg gref, A'i orsedd ef deil fynu: Cyfododd ef o farw i fyw: O'i Fab mae Duw'n ymhoni. Yn awr esgynodd Crist uwch ben, Cais lywio'r ddae'ren isod: Mae'n dadleu'i waed, a'i glodfawr waith, A'i enedigaeth uchod. Mae'n gofyn teyrnas gan y Tad, O werth ei wa'd a'i haeddiant: A'r Tad yn addo iddo hyd Eithafoedd byd yn feddiant. Y bobloedd a'u gwrthsafant fo, Cant deimlo'i wialen haiarn: Fe'u terydr drwm o'r nefoedd draw, Pan godo'i law yn gadarn.cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77 Salmau Dafydd 1766 [Mesur: MS 8787] gwelir: Creawdwr doeth ac Arglwydd da Creawdwr mawr ac Arglwydd Ior |
Why in tumult do behave Jews and Gentiles: To take counsel together to cast down The great Anointed One of heaven? Kings and rulers of the world, Are plotting together vainly: Against God undividedly, And Christ his holy Heir. The Lord mocks their strong tumult, And his throne he upheld: He raised him from dead to alive; He is his Son, he owned. Now Christ ascended overhead, He desires to govern the earth below: He argues his blood, and his praiseworthy work, And his birth, above. He asks for a kingdom from the Father, From his blood's worth and its merit: And the Father promises it to him to The ends of the world as a possession. The peoples who oppose him, Get to feel his iron rod: The honour of God his Father from heaven Shall defend him firmly. - - - - - Why in tumult do behave Jews and Gentiles: To take counsel together to cast down The great Anointed of the God of heaven? Kings and rulers of the world, Are plotting together vainly; Against God undividedly, And Christ his holy Heir. The Lord scorns their strong tumult, And his throne he holds up: He raised him from dead to alive: As his Son God is owning him. Now Christ ascended overhead, He requests to rule the earth below: He argues his blood, and his praiseworthy work, And his birth, above. He asks for a kingdom from the Father, From his blood's worth and its merit: And the Father promises it to him to The ends of the world as a possession. The peoples who oppose him, Shall get to feel his iron rod: He shall strike them heavily from yonder heaven, When he raise his hand 2020 Richard B Gillion |
Why did the Gentiles rage, And Jews with one accord Bend all their counsels to destroy Th' anointed of the Lord? Rulers and kings agree To form a vain design; Against the Lord their powers unite, Against his Christ they join. The Lord derides their rage, And will support his throne; He that hath rais'd him from the dead Hath own'd him for his Son. Now he's ascended high, And asks to rule the earth; The merit of his blood be pleads, And pleads his heavenly birth. He asks, and God bestows A large inheritance; Far as the world's remotest ends His kingdom shall advance. The nations that rebel Must feel his iron rod; He'll vindicate those honours well Which he receiv'd from God. - - - - - Why did the Gentiles rage, And Jews with one accord Bend all their counsels to destroy Th' anointed of the Lord? Rulers and kings agree To form a vain design; Against the Lord their powers unite, Against his Christ they join. The Lord derides their rage, And will support his throne; He that hath rais'd him from the dead Hath own'd him for his Son. Now he's ascended high, And asks to rule the earth; The merit of his blood be pleads, And pleads his heavenly birth. He asks, and God bestows A large inheritance; Far as the world's remotest ends His kingdom shall advance. The nations that rebel Must feel his iron rod; He'll vindicate those honours well Which he receiv'd from God.Isaac Watts 1674-1748 The Psalms of David [Metre: SM 6686] |