[Pa'm / Pam'r] ofnaf ddu gymylau'r nos

(Noddfa yn Nghrist)
Pam'r ofnaf ddu gymylau'r nos,
Ffo f'enaid egwan, tua'r groes,
  A gwel hi trosti oll yn waed:
A dacw'r man mae llawenhau,
Pan f'o cystuddiau'n amlhau,
  Y noddfa drefnwyd gan fy Nhad.

Bu gruddfan caled arno Ef
Nes crynu'r ddaear, duo'r nef,
  A rhwygo'r creigiau serth yn friw:
Och'neidiodd Ef, dyoddefodd wae,
Fel gallwn inau lawenhau
  Ac ymhyfrydu yn fy Nuw.

Na foed i'm feddwl ddydd na nos,
Ond cariad perffaith angeu'r groes,
  Hon alwaf mwy yn orsedd gras:
Ar Galfari mae mainc y nef,
Yn agos at ei groesbren Ef,
  Oddi yno rhoddir hedd i maes.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [888D]:
Gweddi Luther (M Luther / J S Bach)
Llangoedmor (John Jeffreys)
Pengwern (<1875)

gwelir: Caed concwest ar Galfaria fryn

(A Refuge in Christ)
Why shall I fear the black clouds of night,
Flee, my weak soul, towards the cross,
  And see it for thee all blood:
And there the place where is rejoicing,
When afflictions be multiplying,
  The refuge ordained by my Father.

He moaned so harshly
That the earth trembled, heaven blackened,
  And the steep rocks broke to pieces:
He groaned, he suffered woe,
That I might rejoice
  And take delight in my God.

Let me not think day or night,
But about the perfect love
    of the death of the cross,
  This I call evermore the throne of grace:
On Calvary is the bench of heaven,
Close to his wooden cross,
  From there peace is given out.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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