Pam 'rwy'n ceisio cywir heddwch?

(Duw yn ddigon)
Pam 'rwy'n ceisio cywir heddwch
  Lle nad oes ond heddwch gau?
Dysgwyl cariad a ffyddlondeb
  Mewn ardaloedd mae casâu?
Ceisio bywyd mewn marwolaeth,
  Ceisio cysur lle nad yw!
Nid oes dim a foddia f'enaid,
  Is y nefoedd, ond fy Nuw.

Er i'r cnawd fy ngwrthwynebu,
  Er i'r byd ddatguddio'i rym,
Er i'r gelyn mawr fy mygwth,
  Sinai'n dywyll, angau'n llym;
Mwy fy Nuw na'r byd yn gyfan,
  Cnawd, a Satan, yn ddiau;
Ac nid ofnaf eu galluoedd
  Ond im' gael ei wir fwynhau.
Cas. o Hymnau ... Wesleyaidd 1844

Tôn [8787D]: Tal-y-bont (<1876)

(God sufficient)
Why am I seeking true peace
  Where there is only false peace?
Expecting love and faithfulness
  In regions where there is hatred?
Seeking life in death,
  Seeking comfort where it is not!
There is nothing that satisfied my soul,
  Under heaven, but my God.

Although the flesh opposes me,
  Although the world reveals its power,
Although the great enemy threatens me,
  Sinai dark, death sharp;
Greater my God that the world entirely,
  Flesh, and Satan, without doubt;
And I shall not fear their powers
  If only I get to enjoy him.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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